Office Cleaning is vital to the success of a business. Not only does it improve employee productivity and reduce health risk, office cleaning also helps maintain a good business image and reputation. If your office is under a layer of grime, dust and dirt, an immediate action in necessary. Although enlisting the office cleaning services of a professional is the ideal way to go it, there are certain things that you and your employees can do to make sure you have a clean work environment.

Office Cleaning Service in Phoenix

Here are a few useful tips to have a spic and span office space.

Keep a basket- or closet-full of cleaning essentials. This includes microfiber cloths, dusting spray, rubbing alcohol, glass cleaner, and paper towels.
For a more organized workspace, label your storage. Assign a storage location for every item that you have. Labeling also helps if you tend to forget things very easily.
Clean up your desk and limit the items you put on it. Too much clutter makes it hard for you to concentrate on your work because these things make it seem that there’s too much going on around you. Keep the items on your desk at a minimum and store other less frequently used items in another storage location.
Wipe your computer keyboard and monitor clean, especially if you eat at your desk. You can buy special wipes for keyboards at most electronic and office supply stores.
If you have a phone on your desk, clean that as well. Spray a cleaning solution to a cloth before wiping it on the phone. To clean and sanitize the dial pad, you can use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.
Clean the microwave as soon as you’re through using it. Do not wait until the food spills dry up as doing so will only make matters worse.
Wash the dishes immediately after a meal and put away the dried dishes so the dish rack does not become overcrowded.
If you have fresh plants in the office, take good care of it. Water it consistently and remove shedding and dry leaves. If you have artificial plants, dust it frequently. Do not keep a plant in your office if you will not be able to maintain it.
Clean behind furniture and computer. That layer of dust behind your PC betrays an otherwise tidy workspace.
Make certain that your employees understand their office cleaning duties and share their part on cleaning. You may assign people to specific tasks each week like vacuuming the floor. You can also put up reminders so everyone can take care of their own workspaces.

If these tips does not work, hiring a professional office cleaning service is the next best solution. Not only can they handle any cleaning task you need them to do, but hiring them also means you will not have to worry about the extra load of responsibilities office cleaning bring to the table. For prompt and excellent office cleaning service, call Desert Oasis Cleaners!

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