Door Knob Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Door Knob Cleaning

When it’s time to clean our homes or surroundings, it’s important to touch all the bases. You might remember to sanitize your kitchen and bathroom counters, take care of your floors, and dust every visible area imaginable – however, do you know how to clean your door hardware?

Say you’re coming into the office, picking up breakfast, going to the gym, or coming back home, you’re always using door handles, levers, and knobs. Nevertheless, you’re not the only one! Door handles are a major part of day-to-day life than you undoubtedly realize. High-trafficked areas such as these are ideal grounds for bacteria to gather, and when touching the knobs, you are transmitting that bacteria from one area to another. In this post, it will demonstrate how to clean door knobs and handles of different finishes. Not only are you going to be safeguarding yourself and others from disease and illness, but you will also be preserving the longevity of your hardware also.

Stainless Steel Door Hardware

Cleaning your stainless-steel doorknobs is easy. All you require is water and a mild soap solution! When you care for this type of hardware, you never want to use off-the-shelf cleaners that contain chlorine bleach chloride or, since it can compromise the steel. Steel wool or other types of abrasives can have the same effect – they’ll scratch your knobs, decreasing their appearance. If you have heavily coated grime and dirt that isn’t coming off with the solution, create a mixture of equal parts olive oil and vinegar. WD-40 or club soda have been known to work well, too.

Brass and Copper Door Hardware

To discover the way to clean brass and copper doorknobs, you are going to first have to distinguish the differences between brass-plated and solid brass knobs. This is a vital step since these two variations must be cleaned differently. A strong magnet can help you establish what kind of brass your doorknob is since it is going to only be drawn to plated metal.

If you have solid brass or copper doorknobs, you can try a couple of different DIY methods to clean them. One of them is a sort of mash comprised of equal portions of flour, vinegar, and salt. Use around a tablespoon of each for creating the mash, then place it on your knob and let it rest for a couple of minutes prior to buffing it off. One other option is to use a combination of lemon and salt. All you must do is cut a lemon in two and place the salt around the pulp on one area. Then rub the lemon on the unclean knob. The acid from the lemon helps eliminate those bothersome blemishes and grime!

Brass-plated doorknobs need to be addressed more delicately. Scrubbing too hard or using too harsh chemicals can end up destroying the plating. A soap and water solution should perform for a lot of cleanings; however, you can use ammonia or a mild brass cleaner if it isn’t getting the task done. Nevertheless, if the doorknob is lacquered, stay with soap and water.

Pewter Door Hardware

Cleaning pewter doorknobs is exceedingly easy! Just rubbing the knobs with ordinary vinegar is going to get them looking gleaming and new fast. Should you wish to try something behind the times, you can utilize white cabbage leaves to reveal the original shine. Should you have exceedingly tarnished pewter doorknobs, you can use 0000 steel wool soaked in olive oil to delicately scrub the areas. Wash, rinse the doorknob, then buff it dry.

Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Door Hardware

Everybody loves the beautiful look of sterling silver doorknobs; however, they tarnish easily. A lot of off-the-shelf general-purpose cleaners are going to work well with this type of hardware, nevertheless there are other choices to try, too. For a DIY method, simply get a baking tray, fill it with about a cup of baking soda, and put the knob(s) in it. Then pour boiling water over them and watch as the tarnish fades away! The knob is both clean and sanitized. Following the water cooling, merely remove the knobs, get them dry, and finish the undertaking with a little polish for restoring the shine.

Glass, Crystal, and Clear Plastic Doorknobs

Glass, crystal clear and plastic, doorknobs can usually be cleaned with an all-purpose cleaner, so whichever one you have available can typically do the trick. Naturally developed cleaners work better than manmade ones, though, so try to use those when possible.

Commercial Cleaning Phoenix by Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners

Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners is a commercial cleaning company in Phoenix offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including office cleaning, warehouse floor cleaning, industrial cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, company breakrooms & washrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning across the Valley.

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