Classroom Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Classroom Cleaning Ideas

Does a teacher ever get any freetime? They have so much work to do! From paper grading to teaching students and of course making sure the classroom is in orderly condition. Here are some ideas to help you create not just an attractive but also a clean classroom, read on to learn more…

  • Make sure students understand the importance of proper handwashing such as washing for reasonable time and between fingers.
  • Make sure disinfectantt wipes, hand sanitizer and tissues are always available.
  • Clean objects that are shared like pencils, chairs and keyboards.
  • Discuss behavior that is healthy – from good hydration to getting enough sleep.
  • Ask parents to keep their sick children at home.
  • Comforts that are soft, like carpets and sofas can be a breeding ground for germs – consider replacing them.
  • Sneezing into the crook of your elbow to precent the spreading of germs.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Classroom Cleaning in Phoenix

To learn more about Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaner’s classroom cleaning services in Phoenix or Scottsdale, or to get a free school or classroom cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners today at 480-720-0907.

Call the professionals at Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your classroom looks it’s best for you and your students!

Daycare cleaning procedures
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Daycare Cleaning Procedures

Germs abound in any daycare facility and they attack every imaginable surface! So keeping your daycare clean is a daily battle. Read on to learn more about how clean is defined in these corcumstances and what needs to be cleaned and how often.


Let’s begin by defining some cleaning terms:

  • Cleaning – washing with mild detergent and water to remove visible dirt, soil, and debris from surfaces. You cannot effectively sanitize or disinfect unless dirt is removed. Scrub, wash, and rinse each surface before gonig further.
  • Sanitizing – covering the cleaned area with a sanitizing solution such as sanitizer or bleach with EPA registration label and allowing it to naturally dry. Food contact services, dishes and toys that children put in their mouths must be sanitized once cleaned.
  • Disinfecting – covering the cleaned area with a disinfecting solution such as bleach or ammonia.  Allow the area to air dry or follow the manufacturer’s recommendation before wiping it off. Disinfect bathrooms, diapering areas and anywhere bodily fluids have touched.

The aim is to reduce as much as possible the viruses and bacteria to prevent illness from spreading.

Disinfecting And Sanitizing

Regarding large items, once you clean them of soil and dirt, disinfect with a spray bottle of disinfecting or sanitizing solution, wiping the liquid evenly across the surface and allowing it to naturally dry. Unless the manufacturer’s instructions on the disinfectant container say otherwise, do not wipe the area dry; disinfectant works best when allowed to sit without disturbance. By the time the liquid dries most bacteria and viruses are killed.

For dishes and plastic toys, sanitize the items in your dishwasher. A dishwasher can apply water at temperatures higher than your hands can stand as well as use the appropriate sanitizing solution as part of the cycle. Some dishwashers have a sanitize setting that cleans at higher temperatures.

Clothing and linens can be disinfected in the washing machine. Purchase items that can withstand hot water, disinfecting solutions, and repeated laundering without fading.

Areas to Clean

The easiest way to ensure thorough cleaning is to follow a schedule and clean areas in the same order every day. Any surface with visible soil, especially bodily fluids, should be cleaned and disinfected immediately.

Each day clean the entryways including the door handles, light switches, pens and pencils, cubbies, floors, walls, railings, phones, and keyboards.

The diaper changing area must be disinfected between each diaper change. The provider must also wash hands between each diaper change, even when using gloves. Gastrointestinal illnesses caused by rotavirus and norovirus are easily spread and can cause dangerous diarrhea resulting in dehydration.

Wipe play areashelves, play centers, and play surfaces. Some toys can also be wiped clean but smaller, durable toys can be washed in a dishwasher. Washable toys, linens, and bedding should be washing in the washing machine using chlorine or non-chlorinated bleach as appropriate.

In the bathroom, clean the sinks, toilets, floors, rugs, doorknobs, and light switch. Kitchen floors, faucet, refrigerator handles, stools, tables, counters, trash cans, chairs (including high chairs), and bibs must be cleaned.

Other areas that may need additional attention include doorknobs throughout the center, shared keyboards, drinking fountains, faucet handles, toilet levers, toys, and nap mats. Any surface liable to be touched by a child during the course of the day must be cleaned and disinfected or sanitized.

The NAEYC publishes a frequency table with recommendations for cleaning your facility.

Tips on Cleaning Your Daycare Center

  • Immediately clean up any spills.
  • Vacuum daily.
  • Clean the bathroom before opening in the morning.
  • Use a hands-free covered trash can in each room.
  • Keep a container to place items that need to be washed such as toys that have been chewed, paint brushes and trays, and other frequently soiled items.
  • If allowed by state regulations, some types of disinfecting wipes may make cleaning chores easier.

To find disinfecting wipes that meet state licensing requirements, check the label to ensure that Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O157: H7, Salmonella enterica, Streptococcus pyogenes, Human Coronavirus, and Influenza virus are killed by the disinfectant in question.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Daycare Cleaning in Phoenix

To learn more about Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaner’s classroom cleaning services in Phoenix or Scottsdale, or to get a free school or classroom cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners today at 480-720-0907.

Call the professionals at Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your classroom looks it’s best for you and your students!

Conference Room Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Conference Room Cleaning

Imagine entering a conference room to prep for an important meeting. You walk in to set up and are faced with a dirty, cluttered room. You can’t present to current or prospective staff members or clients in here! While you rush to make the room presentable, you run out of time to properly prepare for the meeting itself. Download a Printable PDF Version of this CONFERENCE ROOM CHECKLIST.

If this sounds like a common occurrence in your office, let us help. Use this conference room etiquette list from Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners to create your own conference room usage guidelines. That way, everyone will know what they need to do after every meeting is complete.


In general, have the leader of the meeting perform the following tasks after each meeting has concluded:

  1. ❒ Turn Off Computers and Other Equipment.

It doesn’t matter if you turn off equipment or put them in standby mode, it will depend on your workflow, but there should be some model for how electronic devices like conference room computers, projectors, speakers, and computer cameras are left when the room is not being used.

  1. ❒ Clean Up Any Messes.

Meeting notes, handouts, food &, drinks, trash – whatever is lying around at the end of the meeting should be tidied up. Usually, each member of the meeting should be responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Nevertheless, if anything is left behind, it’s up to the meeting’s leader to make sure the room is cleaned and ready for the next meeting.

  1. ❒ Put All Equipment Back Where It Belongs.

Every item in the conference room should have a place, including extra notepads and pens, chairs, phones and computers. Be sure all equipment is put back where they belong. Any brought in items that don’t belong in the conference room, should be taken out after the meeting.

  1. ❒ Wipe Down Surfaces with Disposable Cleaning Wipes.

Having packages of disposable cleaning wipes in the room makes it easy for people in the meeting to clean and sanitize the conference room after the meeting is over. Meeting leaders should wipe down the table, phones, keyboards, computer mouse’s and other high-touched surfaces to help fight the spread of germs and viruses in the office.

  1. ❒ Turn Off The Lights.

Once everything on the checklist has been completed, shut off the lights. The room should be clean and ready for the next scheduled meeting to take place.

  1. ❒ Include The Conference Room In The Regular Cleaning Schedule.

The conference room in your office may or may not get much use. But, it’s important to include the room on the regular cleaning schedule to keep it fully maintained and functional. Along with the steps mentioned above, the janitorial crew can vacuum, remove and replace trash bags, and clean and sanitize surfaces to keep the room always ready to use.

Desert Oasis Cleaning Services Offers Conference Room Cleaning in Phoenix & Throughout The Valley.

To schedule conference room cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

Classroom Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Classroom Cleaning Checklist

As a teacher, you do your best to provide a healthy, friendly learning atmosphere for each of your students. This post will explain how to keep your classroom clean and healthy. Download the Classroom Cleaning Checklist PDF

Part of your responsibilities as a teacher includes keeping your classroom clean to lower the risk of bacteria and germs from spreading, especially during cold and flu season. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are a couple of things you can do to stop or at least lower the spreading of illnesses in your classroom. With their tips in mind, we’ve compiled a classroom cleaning checklist to help you keep your classroom tidy, organized and most importantly, healthy for your students.

Tips For An Everyday Clean Classroom

While sometimes it can feel like the work of keeping your classroom fully cleaned and sanitized is never done, there are some quick and simple duties you can do during the day to lower the spreading of germs. Some preventative measures you can take each day to limit your and your students’ exposure to germs include:

  • Wipe down all high-touch surfaces with a combination of sanitizer and cleaner on a regular basis. Some areas can include doorknobs, desks, student school supplies, sinks and more.
  • Keep hand sanitizer, facial tissues and cleaning wipes at the ready for you and your students to use during the day.
  • Make use of no-touch trash cans in your classroom to reduce exposure to germs and bacteria.
  • If you feel sick, stay at home.
  • If a student feels or even looks sick, encourage them to see the school nurse and stay home until they are no longer contagious.

Weekly Classroom Cleaning Checklist

A lot of areas in a classroom can become a breeding ground for germs. Schoolbooks, desks, whiteboards, shared supplies, and even student’s toys can become contaminated in a matter of seconds. To help you keep germs at a minimum, use this classroom cleaning checklist in your classroom at least once a week:

  • ❒Sanitize high-touch areas. Yours and your student’s desks, chairs, door handles and knobs, and all play areas should be the first to be cleaned.
  • ❒Use the proper cleaning wipes for electronics. Computer keyboards, phones and items like iPads and tablets that are used in classrooms need to be regularly cleaned to lower the spreading of germs.
  • ❒Sweep and mop the floors and vacuum the carpets. Carpets and hard surfaces such as linoleum absolutely love germs, particularly in high-traffic areas like classrooms, gyms, and cafeterias. Speak with your school’s janitorial crew to find out they already do this step during their regular cleaning schedule.
  • ❒Throw away any waste in a timely manner. Cloths or towels that are used for cleaning should be washed or thrown away immediately. When emptying trash cans, try not to touch used tissues or other waste that can transmit germs onto your skin. Wash your hands as soon as you’re done disposing of waste to prevent the spreading of pathogens.

Use A Professional Cleaning Service

Taking down small tasks daily and the bigger tasks weekly, helps you can keep your classroom clean, tidy and healthy all school year. If your school needs assistance cleaning classrooms, cafeterias, gymnasiums and other populated areas of your school, call on the professionals to get the job done right.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Classroom Cleaning in Phoenix

To learn more about Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaner’s classroom cleaning services in Phoenix or Scottsdale, or to get a free school or classroom cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners today at 480-720-0907.

Call the professionals at Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your classroom looks it’s best for you and your students!

Office Desk Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Office Desk Cleaning

Your office desk is a place you spend a great deal of your day. Usually, you get busy, projects come and go and your desk suffers. This post will explain how to keep your office desk in tip-top condition.

The feeling a clean desk gives you is invigorating and can sometimes inspire you. The desk is clean, you are focused, and work is getting done! This typically lasts a couple of days and a couple of big projects later the clean desk is back to its original disorganized state. Some people are fortunate and have larger work surfaces – looming desks that orders attention when you enter your office. Other people reading this post can only wish to have such a spacious environment while working. It’s not important the amount of desk surface space you have, here are a couple of guidelines to help keep your desk clean.

Picture your desk as first-rate real estate. Whatever sits on it needs to be worthy of take up its space. Only the things you use every day should sit here.

Keep office supplies close by. Drawers and pencil organizers are appropriate ways to make sure often-used items are within reach.

Keep things in handy. Resources, files, and other items you use daily should be within an arm’s reach. If you keep a phone book on your desk but use online directories, then you should ditch the book.

Try considering “up”. By putting your computer monitor on a monitor stand, you not only raise it to a correct ergonomic level, but it will provide you with more clean desk surface space. If you can, install shelves above your desk, giving you an area where you can keep binders and other resources within reach.

Create an organization system. Organize your present projects by placing them in project binders, or other types of manila folders. Take the time to label each file and store them upright in a sorter. This is an easy way to keep clear of piles of files and allows you to visually see every project. Now you have a system that will help maintain your desk and keep it clean.

Use a stackable In/Out tray. Papers and unopened mail that comes into your office needs a temporary home until you decide what to do with them. Make sure that the bottom tray acts as an In-Box, thus limiting just how much stuff can gather before you must get to them. This helps you keep your desk clean and stay on top of projects that needs your attention.

Get rid of distractions. Between people coming into your office, getting phone calls, emails coming in at a consistent pace and keeping up with your appointments and business meetings, it’s no wonder it’s such a laborious endeavor to maintain a clean desk. To clarify, get rid of additional personal items, including things that need to go back to your home. You should also give attention to the space underneath your desk as it’s often an easy hiding place for miscellaneous time. These distractions will only stop you from your goal of keeping a clean desk.

Desert Oasis Offers Commercial Office Cleaning in Phoenix.

To schedule your office cleaning services, including medical office cleaning in Phoenix and Scottsdale, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!