Classroom Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Classroom Cleaning Checklist

As a teacher, you do your best to provide a healthy, friendly learning atmosphere for each of your students. This post will explain how to keep your classroom clean and healthy. Download the Classroom Cleaning Checklist PDF

Part of your responsibilities as a teacher includes keeping your classroom clean to lower the risk of bacteria and germs from spreading, especially during cold and flu season. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are a couple of things you can do to stop or at least lower the spreading of illnesses in your classroom. With their tips in mind, we’ve compiled a classroom cleaning checklist to help you keep your classroom tidy, organized and most importantly, healthy for your students.

Tips For An Everyday Clean Classroom

While sometimes it can feel like the work of keeping your classroom fully cleaned and sanitized is never done, there are some quick and simple duties you can do during the day to lower the spreading of germs. Some preventative measures you can take each day to limit your and your students’ exposure to germs include:

  • Wipe down all high-touch surfaces with a combination of sanitizer and cleaner on a regular basis. Some areas can include doorknobs, desks, student school supplies, sinks and more.
  • Keep hand sanitizer, facial tissues and cleaning wipes at the ready for you and your students to use during the day.
  • Make use of no-touch trash cans in your classroom to reduce exposure to germs and bacteria.
  • If you feel sick, stay at home.
  • If a student feels or even looks sick, encourage them to see the school nurse and stay home until they are no longer contagious.

Weekly Classroom Cleaning Checklist

A lot of areas in a classroom can become a breeding ground for germs. Schoolbooks, desks, whiteboards, shared supplies, and even student’s toys can become contaminated in a matter of seconds. To help you keep germs at a minimum, use this classroom cleaning checklist in your classroom at least once a week:

  • ❒Sanitize high-touch areas. Yours and your student’s desks, chairs, door handles and knobs, and all play areas should be the first to be cleaned.
  • ❒Use the proper cleaning wipes for electronics. Computer keyboards, phones and items like iPads and tablets that are used in classrooms need to be regularly cleaned to lower the spreading of germs.
  • ❒Sweep and mop the floors and vacuum the carpets. Carpets and hard surfaces such as linoleum absolutely love germs, particularly in high-traffic areas like classrooms, gyms, and cafeterias. Speak with your school’s janitorial crew to find out they already do this step during their regular cleaning schedule.
  • ❒Throw away any waste in a timely manner. Cloths or towels that are used for cleaning should be washed or thrown away immediately. When emptying trash cans, try not to touch used tissues or other waste that can transmit germs onto your skin. Wash your hands as soon as you’re done disposing of waste to prevent the spreading of pathogens.

Use A Professional Cleaning Service

Taking down small tasks daily and the bigger tasks weekly, helps you can keep your classroom clean, tidy and healthy all school year. If your school needs assistance cleaning classrooms, cafeterias, gymnasiums and other populated areas of your school, call on the professionals to get the job done right.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Classroom Cleaning in Phoenix

To learn more about Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaner’s classroom cleaning services in Phoenix or Scottsdale, or to get a free school or classroom cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners today at 480-720-0907.

Call the professionals at Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your classroom looks it’s best for you and your students!

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