Removing Oil Stains From Concrete
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Removing Oil Stains From Concrete

Oil stains on a concrete driveway can look awful and can destroy decorative treatments. Read on to learn how to remove oil stains from concrete.

Removing Oil With a Detergent

Small spills or spots can sometimes be removed with nothing more than a strong detergent, a scrub brush, and a sponge.

Using Concrete Cleaner or Degreaser

A more aggressive method is to use a commercial concrete cleaner or degreaser, a concentrated alkaline soap that’s scrubbed into the concrete surface. The soap acts like ball bearings, loosening up the oil to permit easier removal. The downside is that typical degreasers don’t actually break down the oil, so they won’t work well on concrete that is heavily contaminated or has been contaminated for a long time. Also, they are more effective on porous concrete as opposed to concrete with a hard or dense finish.

Cleaning Oil Stains With a Poultice

Another common treatment for removing oil stains from concrete is a poultice. Used primarily on small, stubborn stains, a poultice is made by saturating an absorptive material (such as kitty litter, pool filter media, or sawdust) with a strong solvent (acetone, xylene, lacquer thinner, or MEK) and then smearing the material over the stain. Cover the poultice with plastic, and let the process of osmosis take over. The solvent will break down the oil, and the absorptive material will suck it out of the concrete. However, this process takes time and may not be cost-effective or practical for removing large stains. See how a poultice can be used to remove oil from a concrete countertop.

Use Microorganisms to Get Oil Out of Concrete

The most recent advancement in the removal of oil stains from concrete involves using special single-celled microorganisms that thrive on crude oil and its derivatives, eating them up like candy. Enzymes and oxygen digest the oil and turn it into carbon dioxide and more microorganisms. When the food source (oil) is gone, the microorganisms die, leaving the concrete clean and oil-free. This is the same technology used to clean beaches and waterways after large oil spills. Two sources for these microbial cleaners are (TERMINATOR-HSD) and ACT Concrete Cleaner and Degreaser) both available from Amazon.


Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Cleaning Plaster Walls
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Concrete Wall Cleaning

Moss dirt and stains from water can spoil the look of a a concrete wall. The permeable surface of concrete absorbs staining agents, so water and scrubbing alone won’t work all the dirt out of the porous concrete. A thorough cleaning with a concrete-safe cleanser lightens stains and usually removes them completely. Read on to learn more.

Items Required:

  • Trisodium Sulphate
  • Washing Soda
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Eye Protection
  • Bucket
  • Stiff Brush
  • Powdered Dish Detergent


  • Spray the entire wall with water to rinse off dust and dirt. Spray the wall as necessary while cleaning it so the concrete surface remains moist.
  • Dissolve 1/2-ounce of trisodium phosphate (TSP) in a gallon of hot water in a large bucket. Alternatively, use 2 ounces of washing soda instead of TSP.
  • Put on a pair of rubber gloves and wear eye protection. The cleaning chemicals can cause skin and eye irritation.
  • Dip a stiff scrub brush into the TSP solution. Scrub the entire concrete wall surface with the TSP. Replace the solution with fresh when it becomes dirty.
  • Rinse the concrete wall with clear water. TSP runoff can damage plants, so route runoff away from landscaped areas.
  • Sprinkle remaining stains with powdered dish detergent. Allow the detergent to soak into the stain for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Scrub the stains with a wet brush until they fade. Rinse the area with clear water.


  • Commercial concrete cleaners may remove stains that aren’t affected by TSP or dish detergent. Follow label instructions and precautions when using these products.
  • Cover nearby plants with tarps to protect them as you clean, but remove the tarps promptly afterward. You can lay down scrap wood to create a runoff channel away from the plants.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Coronavirus Fighting Products
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Coronavirus Fighting Products

It is the question everyone is asking. hat can I do to prevent the spread of Coronavirus? Read on to learn more.

The American Chemistry Council’s Center for Biocide Chemistries has released the following list of products thought to be most helpful at fighting coronoavirus. The list is not exhaustive and is provided as a public service. It is up to the individual to decide what is right for their circumstance. Neither the American Chemistry Council, the Center for Biocide Chemistires or Desert Oasis Cleaners will be responsible for any damages of any nature resulting from the use or reliance of these products. Nor can they make a determination to the effectiveness of a product.

Accel Tb Virox Technologies, Inc. 74559-1
Advantage Wechem, Inc. 1839-83-34370
Af Ultra Acid Free Total Bathroom Cleaner Ultra Chem 1839-83-57839
All Purpose Virex Diversey, Inc. 1839-83-70627
Aviation RTU Cleaner Zep 6836-152-1270
Avistat-D RTU Spray Disinfectant Cleaner National Chemical Laboratories, Inc. 1839-83-2296
Bioesque Solutions Botanical Disinfectant Solution 12/1 qt Bioesque Solutions/Natureal, LLC 87742-1-92595
Bioesque Solutions Botanical Disinfectant Solution 4/1 gal Bioesque Solutions/Natureal, LLC 87742-1-92595
Bioesque Solutions Botanical Disinfectant Solution 5 gal Bioesque Solutions/Natureal, LLC 87742-1-92595
Bioesque Solutions Botanical Disinfectant Solution 55 gal Bioesque Solutions/Natureal, LLC 87742-1-92595
BioSentry 904 Disinfectant Hacco, Inc. 6836-78-61282
Bright Solutions Lemon Zip Disinfectant RTU Bright Solutions 1839-83-75473
Bright Solutions RTU Bathroom Cleaner Non-Acid Bowl and Restroom Disinfectant Bright Solutions 1839-83-75473
Byotrol Bathroom Disinfectant Cleaner Byotrol, Inc. 83614-1
Byotrol Disinfectant Cleaner Byotrol, Inc. 83614-1
CaviCide Bleach Metrex 46781-15
CaviCide1 Metrex 46781-12
Clear Gear Sports Spray On Track Enterprises, Inc d/b/a Clear Gear 6836-152-89301
Clorox 4 In One Disinfecting Spray Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-29
Clorox Clean Up Cleaner + Bleach The Clorox Company 5813-21
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® 4-in-One Disinfectant & Sanitizer Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-29
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner Clorox Professional Products Company 5813-40-67619
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Disinfecting Biostain & Odor Remover Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-33
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Disinfecting Spray Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-21
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-24
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Tilex Soap Scum Remover Clorox Professional Products Company 5813-40-67619
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach1 Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-16
Clorox Commericial Solutions® Clorox® Clean-Up Disinfectant Cleaner with Bleach1 Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-17
Clorox Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner The Clorox Company 5813-40
Clorox Healthcare® Bleach Germicidal Cleaner Spray Clorox Professional Products Company 56392-7
Clorox Healthcare® Fuzion® Cleaner Disinfectant Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-30
Clorox Healthcare® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-24
Clorox Multi Surface Cleaner + Bleach The Clorox Company 5813-105
Clorox Pet Solutions Advanced Formula Disinfecting Stain & Odor Remover The Clorox Company 5813-110
Clorox Scentiva Bathroom Disinfectant Foamer The Clorox Company 5813-40
Clorox Scentiva Bathroom Disinfecting Foam Cleaner The Clorox Company 5813-115
Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner Clinging Bleach Gel The Clorox Company 5813-89
Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach The Clorox Company 5813-89
CloroxPro™ Clorox Total 360® Disinfecting Cleaner1 Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-38
D-Germ TB Wechem, Inc. 1839-83-34370
DIC-1 Spray Disinfectant The Deirdre Imus Environmental Health Center® 1839-220-83908
Disinfectant Spray Cleaner RTU Victoria Bay Victoria Bay 1839-83-68168
Ready to Use Products
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)—Fighting Productsi
The American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) Center for Biocide Chemistries (CBC) has compiled a list of products that have been pre-approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) for use against emerging enveloped viral pathogens and can be used during the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This product list is not exhaustive but can be used by
business owners, health professionals, and the public to identify products suitable for use during the COVID-19.
The information in this document is being provided as a public service. All efforts have been made to ensure the information is accurate, but ACC and CBC make no representations or
warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of the information. ACC, CBC, and the product manufacturers listed in this document reserve the right to change, delete, or otherwise
modify the information without any prior notice. Persons receiving this information must make their own determination as to a product’s suitability prior to use based on the product
labeling. ACC and CBC do not guarantee or warrant the standard of any product referenced or imply approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may be available. All
products listed are registered for labeled uses in accordance with federal laws and regulations as of the date this document is being made available. State regulations may vary. In no
event will ACC or CBC be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon products to which the information refers.
Note: The CBC cannot make a determination of the effectiveness of a product in fighting pathogens like COVID-19. For questions related to the effectiveness of any product not listed
below, please contact the manufacturer directly.

Commercially Available Product Name Company/Distributor EPA REG No.
Accel Tb Virox Technologies, Inc. 74559-1
Advantage Wechem, Inc. 1839-83-34370
Af Ultra Acid Free Total Bathroom Cleaner Ultra Chem 1839-83-57839
All Purpose Virex Diversey, Inc. 1839-83-70627
Aviation RTU Cleaner Zep 6836-152-1270
Avistat-D RTU Spray Disinfectant Cleaner National Chemical Laboratories, Inc. 1839-83-2296
Bioesque Solutions Botanical Disinfectant Solution 12/1 qt Bioesque Solutions/Natureal, LLC 87742-1-92595
Bioesque Solutions Botanical Disinfectant Solution 4/1 gal Bioesque Solutions/Natureal, LLC 87742-1-92595
Bioesque Solutions Botanical Disinfectant Solution 5 gal Bioesque Solutions/Natureal, LLC 87742-1-92595
Bioesque Solutions Botanical Disinfectant Solution 55 gal Bioesque Solutions/Natureal, LLC 87742-1-92595
BioSentry 904 Disinfectant Hacco, Inc. 6836-78-61282
Bright Solutions Lemon Zip Disinfectant RTU Bright Solutions 1839-83-75473
Bright Solutions RTU Bathroom Cleaner Non-Acid Bowl and Restroom Disinfectant Bright Solutions 1839-83-75473
Byotrol Bathroom Disinfectant Cleaner Byotrol, Inc. 83614-1
Byotrol Disinfectant Cleaner Byotrol, Inc. 83614-1
CaviCide Bleach Metrex 46781-15
CaviCide1 Metrex 46781-12
Clear Gear Sports Spray On Track Enterprises, Inc d/b/a Clear Gear 6836-152-89301
Clorox 4 In One Disinfecting Spray Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-29
Clorox Clean Up Cleaner + Bleach The Clorox Company 5813-21
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® 4-in-One Disinfectant & Sanitizer Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-29
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner Clorox Professional Products Company 5813-40-67619
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Disinfecting Biostain & Odor Remover Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-33
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Disinfecting Spray Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-21
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-24
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Tilex Soap Scum Remover Clorox Professional Products Company 5813-40-67619
Clorox Commercial Solutions® Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach1 Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-16
Clorox Commericial Solutions® Clorox® Clean-Up Disinfectant Cleaner with Bleach1 Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-17
Clorox Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner The Clorox Company 5813-40
Clorox Healthcare® Bleach Germicidal Cleaner Spray Clorox Professional Products Company 56392-7
Clorox Healthcare® Fuzion® Cleaner Disinfectant Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-30
Clorox Healthcare® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-24
Clorox Multi Surface Cleaner + Bleach The Clorox Company 5813-105
Clorox Pet Solutions Advanced Formula Disinfecting Stain & Odor Remover The Clorox Company 5813-110
Clorox Scentiva Bathroom Disinfectant Foamer The Clorox Company 5813-40
Clorox Scentiva Bathroom Disinfecting Foam Cleaner The Clorox Company 5813-115
Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner Clinging Bleach Gel The Clorox Company 5813-89
Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach The Clorox Company 5813-89
CloroxPro™ Clorox Total 360® Disinfecting Cleaner1 Clorox Professional Products Company 67619-38
D-Germ TB Wechem, Inc. 1839-83-34370
DIC-1 Spray Disinfectant The Deirdre Imus Environmental Health Center® 1839-220-83908
Disinfectant Spray Cleaner RTU Victoria Bay Victoria Bay 1839-83-68168

Don-O-Mite Edward Don & Company 6836-152-14462
Dutch®Plus Ready-To-Use Disinfectant Spray Franklin Cleaning Technology 1839-83-1124
Fight Bac RTU Betco Corporation 1839-83-4170
Foster First Defense HB Fuller Construction Products Inc. 6836-152-63836
Germi-Kleen Non-Acid Bowl & Bathroom Disinfectant National Chemical Laboratories, Inc. 1839-83-2296
INTERvention Farm Animal Care Disinfectant Cleaner & Deodorizer Ready to Use Virox Technologies, Inc. 74559-9
KLERCIDE 70/30 IPA Ecolab Inc 1677-249
Lemon Disinfectant American Chemical Systems 6836-152-86408
RB 777-83
RB 777-81
RB 777-99
MAPS- 1 RTU SynBionic Evolution, LLC. 6836-289-92677
Maxim GSC Germicidal Spray Cleaner Midlab 1839-83-45745
Maxim No Acid Non-Acid Bowl & Restroom Disinfectant Cleaner RB 352 Brite Midlab 1839-83-45745
Medline Micro-Kill R2 Medline Industries, Inc 1839-220-37549
Micro-Kill Bleach Germicidal Bleach Solution Medline Industries, Inc 37549-2
Micro-Kill Bleach Germicidal Bleach Wipes Medline Industries, Inc 37549-1
Miracle Disinfectant Spray and Wipe Cleaner Swish Maintenance Limited 1839-83-67205
Neutron Power Tabs Neutron Industries 71847-6-42666
Non-Acid Bathroom Cleaner Victoria Bay Victoria Bay 1839-83-68168
One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner Schultz Supply Company 6836-152-46493
Optim 1 SciCan Ltd. 74559-9-83259
Optim 33 TB SciCan Ltd. 74559-1-83259
Oracle 1 Share Corporation 88494-3-11547
OXIVIR 1 Diversey, Inc. 70627-74
OXIVIR Tb Diversey, Inc. 70627-56
Peroxigard Ready to Use One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner and Deodorizer for Use in
Life Sciences
Virox Technologies, Inc. 74559-9
PREempt RTU Virox Technologies, Inc. 74559-1
Protection that Lives on Microban 24 Hour Keeps Killing 99.9% of Bacteria for Up to
24 Hours Multipurpose Cleaner” (Microban 24 Hour Multi-Purpose Cleaner)
The Procter & Gamble Company 4091-21-3573
“Protection that Lives on Microban 24 Hour Keeps Killing 99.9% of Bacteria for Up to
24 Hours Bathroom Cleaner” (Microban 24 hour Bathroom Cleaner)
The Procter & Gamble Company 4091-22-3573
PURELL Food Processing Surface Sanitizer GOJO Industries, Inc. 84368-1-84150
PURELL Foodservice Surface Sanitizer GOJO Industries, Inc. 84368-1-84150
PURELL Healthcare Surface Disinfectant GOJO Industries, Inc. 84368-1-84150
PURELL Multi Surface Disinfectant GOJO Industries, Inc. 84368-1-84150
PURELL Professional Surface Disinfectant GOJO Industries, Inc. 84368-1-84150
Quat Plus TB Rochester Midland Corporation 1839-83-527
QT-TB Hillyard Hillyard Inc./Central Sanitary Supply 1839-83-1658
Quatricide TB Pharmacal Research Labs., Inc. 1839-83-8714
Quick Defense Disinfectant Tabs State Industrial Products 71847-6-70799
Rejuvenate Ready to Use One Step Disinfectant Cleaner For Use in Spas, Salons &
Virox Technologies, Inc. 74559-1
REScue Ready to Use One Step Disinfectant Cleaner & Deodorizer Virox Technologies, Inc. 74559-9
RestorOx Virox Technologies, Inc. 74559-9
RTU Disinfectant Cleaner U S Chemical 70627-2-7546
Sani-24 Germicidal Spray Professional Disposables International, Inc. 42182-9-9480
Sanicare TBX Buckeye International, Inc. 1839-83-559
Sani-HyPerCide Germicidal Spray Professional Disposables International, Inc. 9480-14
Sani-Prime Germicidal Spray Professional Disposables International, Inc. 9480-10
Sani-Spritz Spray Nyco Products Company 6836-152-8370
SaniZide Pro 1 Spray Safetec of America, Inc. 88494-3-67161
SaniZide Pro 1 Wipes Safetec of America, Inc. 88494-4-67161
SC-RTU-360 DISINFECTANT Spectral Chemical Co Inc 1839-220-33466

Simple Green Clean Finish Sunshine Makers, Inc 1839-220-56782
SPRITZ CARE LABS, INC 1839-83-56669
SUV Ultra 5 Disinfectant & Cleaner OSHA Review, Inc. 6836-366-70809
TB-Cide Quat® Spartan Chemical Company, Inc. 1839-83-5741
T.B. QUAT PRO CHEM, INC. 1839-83-11861
TB DISINFECTANT CLEANER READY-TO-USE Ecolab Inc/Kay Chemical Co. 1839-83-1677
TB Quat Gordon Food Service 70627-2-45133
TB Quat Disinfectant Warsaw Chemical Holdings LLC 1839-83-2230
Triple Quick Fresh and Clean Disinfecting Cleaner State Industrial Products 1839-83-70799
Triple Quick Lavender Meadow Disinfecting Cleaner State Industrial Products 1839-83-70799
VIRASEPT Ecolab Inc 1677-226
Viro-Stat RTU Share Corporation 6836-152-11547
Wet & Forget Indoor Mold+Mildew Disinfectant Cleaner Wet & Forget USA 6836-152-85342
Xpress Detergent Disinfectant Auto-Chlor System 1839-83-6243
X-Ray Apron Cleaner Disinfectant BioXco LLC / MediRedi LLC 6836-289-93240
Zep Antibacterial Disinfectant & Cleaner Zep 1839-83-40849
Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant Zep 1839-220-40849
Zep Spirit II Zep 1839-83-1270

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Plastic Blinds

Plastic blinds are great additions to any window but they can take some special care. Let’s have a look at three ways to keep them in tip-top condition.


With mini blinds you can taken them outside and spray them down with a hose and them use some water and ammonia to rinse them and trepeat the process on the other side of the blind.

By Hand

Use rubber gloves and an old white sock and dip you hands in rubbing alcohol. This works really well, apparently!

Seasonal Cleaning

In winter time use the bathtub and some dishwashing soap and hot water and then rinse in water once it has cooled down with alcohol or vinegar and then towel dry.

In summer time take the blind to the nearest self-serve car wash and you an evenb give them a waxing if you want.


You can also put blinds in the bathrub and saturate with 409 brand cleaner and then turn the shower on to rinse them.

Caution Advised!

If you have plastic or vinyl blinds, test them for lead content prior to cleaning. Lead testing kits can be found in hardware stores in the paint department. If the blinds contain lead, they must be disposed.


Use very warm water in the bath tub, with degreaser or pine oil and laundry soap. About 1-1/2 cups laundry soap and 1 cup pine oil to 1/4 tub of water. put blinds in and soak for a half hour, moving them around to get the solution between the blinds.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Office Cleaning Supplies
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Janitorial Cleaning Supplies

Here is a list of supplies every office should have. Read on to learn more!

  • All-purpose stain and spot remover
  • Baking soda
  • Bath tissue
  • Bucket
  • Broom, dustpan, and brush
  • Dish soap
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Facial tissue
  • Feather duster
  • Floor cleaning solution
  • Glass/window cleaner
  • Gloves
  • Hand soap
  • Kitchen cleaners
  • Micro-fiber cleaning cloths
  • Paper towels
  • Sponges
  • Sponge mop and/or dry mop
  • Toilet bowl cleaner
  • Trash bags
  • Vinegar
  • Wood polish

Daily Cleaning

  • Wash and put away any dishes left out in the kitchen or breakroom.
  • Sweep the sidewalk or porch outside your business and tidy up exterior clutter or debris.
  • Sweep and mop bathroom floors.
  • Refill bath tissue, soap, and paper towel dispensers in the bathrooms and kitchen area.
  • Organize office clutter.
  • Mop, sweep, and/or vacuum floors in high-traffic areas.
  • Empty trashcans that are at or near capacity and insert a new trash bag.
  • Disinfect kitchen countertops.
  • Disinfect doorknobs, light switches, faucets, refrigerator handles, and other high-contact surfaces.
  • Clean and sanitize toilets, urinals, sinks, paper towel dispensers, and fixtures (e.g. door handles) in the bathrooms.
  • Clean and sanitize the kitchen sink.

Weekly Cleaning

  • Wipe down the inside of the refrigerator.
  • Wipe down all mirrors.
  • Wipe down all glass surfaces (including the inside and outside of windows).
  • Vacuum all carpets and mats.
  • Polish any brass on cabinets, doors, drawers, etc.
  • Mop all hard or tiled floors.
  • Empty and disinfect all trash cans, and once they’ve dried replace the liners.
  • Dust all lamps, hard surfaces, computers, etc.
  • Disinfect all flat surfaces (such as desks and tables).
  • Discard any leftovers in the communal refrigerator.
  • Clean any walls with visible markings.
  • Buff hard floors.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Cleaning Wood Floors
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Wood Floors

Wood floors are very popular in businesses and homes. read on to learn more about keeping them looking great.

Sweep or Vacuum Daily

Sweep or vacuum daily to remove grit and crumbs that can cause scratches and wear down the finish of the floor. Don’t forget to clean under area rugs on a regular basis.

Tackle Messes as They Happen

Don’t allow any type of dry mess or wet spills that can leave water rings to remain for more than a few minutes on hardwood floors. This is especially important
for mud or any foods or liquids that are dark in color and can leave difficult-to-remove stains. After cleaning up the spill with a paper towel or cloth, give the floor a final “rinse” with a slightly water-dampened cloth or mop. Wipe in the direction of the wood grain to prevent streaking.

Dust And Mop Weekly

To capture the dust bunnies that seem to appear from nowhere, dust mop wood floors at least once per week.

Damp Mop Seasonally

If you have been taking care of messes promptly and keeping floors free of grit and dust, then you should only need to damp mop with a cleaning product a few times each year. NEVER use a sopping-wet mop. Excessive water can damage every sealant on wood floors and cause them to buckle. Lightly dampen a microfiber mop and always clean following the grain of the wood and allow the wood to dry completely before walking to prevent spotting. If you live in an area with hard water, damp mop with distilled water. The excessive minerals in hard water can leave the floor finishes looking dull. If you choose to use a commercial wood floor cleaner, choose one with a spray applicator or a mop that includes a refillable spray feature. Just a heavy mist of about one-half teaspoon per two square feet is adequate for cleaning. Too much product can leave floors sticky and actually attract more dirt.


Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Cleaning Indoor Plants
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Indoor Plants

Everyone knows plants grow in soil, so is there a need to keep them dust free? Actually, there is, dust blocks sunlight getting to the plant and impacts the ability of the plant to photosynthesize. Read on to learn more.

Cleaning Frequency

Ultimately this depends on the amount of dust in the air. The easiest way is to take a leaf of the plant and rub it in between your fingers. It is time to clean the plant if you can see or feel dust on the leaves.

Spray Options

A simple way to clean indoor plants is to take them to the sink and hose them of. Use tepid water and if the plants are exceptionally dirty you can utilize a diluted mixture of water and soap. About a ¼ tablespoon of soap to one quart of water should be sufficient. If the plant is small, it can be cleaned by holding the base of the plant and inverting it into a bucket of water as you move the leaves around. Watering the soil prior to doing this will also prevent the soil from cascading out of the pot! Allow the plant to dry naturally before moving them back to their original location.

Leaf Wiping

When the plants are too large to be loved for cleaning, you can simply wipe down the leaves with a damp cloth and use a soft duster to prevent dust build up.


When plants have leaves that are either fuzzy or sticky it is a good idea not to get them wet, especially as some plants will not react well to the dampness. You can use a soft brush, however, to gently get the dust to lift off the leaves by utilizing a gentle brushing action.


You can further clean plants up by ridding them of their yellow or brown leaves. If the leaf falls loose in an easy manner, just remove it by hand. Otherwise a pair of scissors can be used. Never pull leaves from a plant when you can feel tension and only prune leaf tips that are brown in color when they are too dry.

Pot Cleaning

To add a finishing touch, make sure the plant pots are in tip-top condition as well! If a white layer has appeared from minerals and salt, clean the pot thoroughly (having first removed the plant!) Use a dilution of one-part bleach to ten parts of water. Then scrub the residue with a brush that has stiff bristles and make sure you completely rinse the pot in a thorough manner before commencing the repotting of the plant. To further assist you in the future, periodically, flush the soil in the pots!

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Cleaning Vinyl Banners
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Vinyl Banners

If you have a vinyl banner you want to use over the long term, keeping it clean so it represents you in the best possible light is very important indeed as they can be great foot fall and revenue drivers. Vinyl is actually called PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and has the advantage of resisting both humidity and moisture. Read on to learn more about cleaning your vinyl signs effectively.

Vinyl Cleaning Banner Do’s And Don’ts

Cleaning a vinyl banner is simple, it just takes a mixture of soap and water together with a cloth that is non-abrasive. Just be cautious and do not scrub at the banner as it may cause damage to the ink on the banner. Rinse out the banner thoroughly with water and make sure it is fully dried out before you store it away. You should also avoid folding the banner. It is best to keep it in a container and cool and dry place away from sunlight. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents or detergents on the banner as it can destroy the color. Along the same lines, do not use any materials that provide abrasion or cleaning pads for the same reason. Do not use any solvents but be sure to wipe down the banner, especially if it has many colors with a microfiber or soft cloth.

Banner Storage

The ideal way to store a banner is to keep the packaging that was used to originally ship it. If it came with some paper for protection, you could utilize it. If you no longer have the original packaging, store it so the ink on the banner does not touch other parts of the banner containing ink.

Step By Step

  • When cleaning with a non-abrasive cloth make sure the cloth is not too abrasive and avoid using sponges.
  • Do not use any detergents, solvents or cleaning chemicals.
  • Make sure the soap you use is mild in formula and not scented. Remember to mix it with water!
  • Do not use paper towels as they are usually too abrasive.
  • Store the banner in a dry cool place away from sunlight.
  • When you hang your banner use the proper tools as you do not want the banner to drop down to the floor, damaging the banner and presenting a trip or a fall hazard.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Warehouse Cleaning Checklist
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Warehouse Cleaning Checklist

High quality factory adn warehouse cleaning procedures are of paramount importance. The best maintenance and cleaning practices also ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible and this will help make any facility more productive. Read on to learn more using our checklist.


  1. ❒ Sweep floors.
  2. ❒ empty trash.
  3. ❒ Straighten workspaces.
  4. ❒ Confirm safety of pallets and shelves.
  5. ❒ Check Equipment.
  6. ❒ Vacuum, mop and sweep floors.
  7. ❒ Empty garbage.
  8. ❒ Sanitize touchpoints.
  9. ❒ Wipe down counters.
  10. ❒ Sanitize grab bars, counters, toilets and sinks.
  11. ❒ Refill, paper towels, soap dispensers and toilet paper.
  12. ❒ Sweep walkways, landings and steps.
  13. ❒ Clear doorways.
  14. ❒ Clear loading docks.


  1. ❒ Reorganize pallets.
  2. ❒ Confirm operating equipment is working.
  3. ❒ Straighten storage rooms.
  4. ❒ Dust light fixtures, overhead fans and lights.
  5. ❒ Polish windows, hardware and door frames.
  6. ❒ Wipe down window blinds, baseboards and wall partitions.
  7. ❒ Sanitize and clean hard to reach areas.
  8. ❒ Restock cabinets with supplies.
  9. ❒ Check for burned out lights.
  10. ❒ Polish light fixtures.
  11. ❒ Confirm operation of security lights.
  12. ❒ Polish entryway door and window hardware and glass.


  1. ❒ Deep clean and inspect floor coatings.
  2. ❒ Pull pallets and stored materials from shelves.
  3. ❒ Clean on and under units.
  4. ❒ Steam-clean carpets.
  5. ❒ Clean furniture upholstery.
  6. ❒ Examine fabrics for stains and wear.
  7. ❒ Clean break room refrigerator and cabinets.
  8. ❒ Test fire alarm and sprinkler.
  9. ❒ Check sink and floor drains for clogs as well as leaks, mildew and mold.
  10. ❒ Power-wash walks, landing, loading docks and steps.
  11. ❒ Check entryway mats for wear.
  12. ❒ Inspect weather-stripping around doors.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Warehouse Cleaning in Phoenix and Surrounding Areas

To schedule your warehouse cleaning services, in Phoenix and Scottsdale, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are important your business – that’s why you need the professionals at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Commercial Cleaning Rates Chart Cost Prices
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

How Much Does Commercial Cleaning Cost?

The average cost of commercial cleaning is $0.11 per sq ft, with average cleaning rates ranging from $.07 to $.15 per sq ft according to PriceItHere. Commercial cleaning prices per hour equal about $75 per hour with average prices ranging from $50 to $100 per hour.

  • Average Commercial Cleaning Rate Per Sq. Ft: $.11 sq. ft
  • Average Commercial Cleaning Price Per Hour: $75.00 an hour

If you are ready to experience superior office cleaning for your business, call Desert Oasis Cleaners right away at 480-720-0907.

We’ll get the job done right, guaranteed.

Commercial Cleaning Cost Factors

As commercial cleaning services offer help for a wide range of property types, restaurants, officers, medical facilities, retail locations, churches, schools and more – it means the average price can vary greatly for commercial cleaning services. When you consider that some customers prefer to hire professional standard cleaners for just a one-time service and others will use the cleaning service on a daily and ongoing basis, it helps explain some of the variants in cost. So, let’s take a look at some of the factors that can impact commercial cleaning costs:

  • Commercial Cleaning Rates per Square Foot
  • One-Time Commercial Cleaning Rates Chart
  • How Number of Windows and Bathrooms Affect Commercial Cleaning Costs
  • Commercial Cleaning Flat Rates
  • Commercial Cleaning Hourly Rates

Average Commercial Cleaning Prices Square Foot

The average cost of commercial cleaning is $0.11 per square foot with average commercial cleaning rates ranging from $0.07-$0.15 per square foot in 2019-2020 according to PriceItHere. Cleaning offices up to 40,000 sq ft will cost you anywhere from $04 to $.10 per sq ft. Cleaning offices up to 12,000 sq ft will cost anywhere from $.09 to $.16 per square foot.

Commercial cleaning professionals will help clean everything from offices to small storefronts less than 1,000 square feet, to larger offices and warehouses in excess of 10,000 square feet, Obviously the cost becomes higher when the space to be cleaned becomes larger. Cleaning a 10,000 square foot office obviously take greater time, a larger cleaning crew and a larger amount of cleaning supplies than the cleaning of a smaller office.

One-Time Commercial Cleaning Cost Chart

Thumbtack says you can expect to pay anywhere from $118 to $463 for a one time cleaning.

  • 0–1000 square feet: $118
  • 1000–2000 square feet: $150
  • 3000–4000 square feet: $200
  • 5000–6000 square feet: $225
  • 7000-8000 square feet: $400
  • 9000–10000 square feet: $463

How Number of Windows and Bathrooms Affect Commercial Cleaning Costs

In a typical office building, bathrooms, windows, kitchens or breakrooms usually take longer to clean and disinfect than offices, hallways or waiting areas. The more windows to be washed and the more numerous the high traffic areas are to be cleaned, the more expensive the total cleaning cost will be.

Following is a hypothetical breakdown of the cost of commercial cleaning with insight into how the types of spaces being cleaned can change the overall cleaning cost:

  • Typical 1,000 square foot doctors office: $105. This includes, two kitchens or lunch areas, four bathrooms, 10 offices, a receptionist area, 10 windows, a sitting area, stair and sweep, mop and vacuum for all. Three hours work at $35 per hour.
  • Typical 10,000 square foot business office on two floors: $210. This includes an executive office, four office, four bathrooms, customer service area, lunchroom, main entrance, show room, cleaning for all floors and front windows. Six hours work at $35 per hour.
  • Typical 20,000 square foot commercial business space: $420. This includes, an executive office, lunchroom, four bathrooms, show room, customer service area, front windows, main entrance, cleaning for all floors and front windows. Twelve hours at $35 per hour.

Commercial Cleaning Flat Rates

There are some commercial cleaning companies who charge a flat rate when they clean a commercial space. Usually, they will perform a site visit to walk-through and make a determination about how many employees they will have to utilize and the expected length of the job by looking at he number of rooms, room types and square footage. They then break down the job by the hour to provide a total price to their customer.

Commercial Cleaning Hourly Rates

Cleaning rates of around $50 to $100 per hour per worker assigned to the job represent an average range of prices. Companies who charge an hourly rate may provide a free cost estimate based primarily off the amount of time it will take to clean a space. However, this estimate may vary once the job is completed as the time it can take to complete the cleaning of the same space may vary depending on what needs to be done ,therefore  affecting the price of the office cleaning.

Commercial Cleaning Services Price List

TheJanitorialStore has a nice section on the blog post that lists out the different commercial cleaning services prices in a nice organized list.

  • Stripping & waxing will cost you anywhere from $.30 to $.50 per sq ft
  • Buffing & Burnishing will cost you anywhere from $.04 to $.12 per sq ft
  • Certamic tile floor cleaning will cost you anywhere from $.12 to $.21 per sq ft
  • Commercial carpet cleaning will cost you anywhere from $.08 to $.25 per sq ft
  • Carpet stain and spot cleaning will cost you anywhere from $25 to $40 per hour
  • Appliance cleaning will cost you anywhere from $10 to $35 per appliance
  • Commercial window cleaning will cost you anywhere from $2 to $5 per window pane

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Commercial Cleaning Services in Phoenix & Through The Valley.

To schedule commercial cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the workplace, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

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