Commercial Carpet Cleaning Costs 2022
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Prices 2020

The average price of commercial carpet cleaning is $0.22 per square foot. Commercial carpet cleaning prices range from $0.20 per square foot to $0.25 per square foot in the US for 2019 according to

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Services

Commercial carpet cleaning sometimes may need special attention. Different types of equipment might be required to be used when cleaning larger areas of the carpet. This is the reason professional carpet cleaning companies offer services that are designed specifically for commercial carpet cleaning.  This assures they can provide proficient results. What are commercial carpet cleaning prices and rates?

Daily foot traffic brings dirt and allergens to your carpets collecting dust, mud, sand, bacteria, etc. It is hazardous to leave your carpets uncleaned for long periods of time. This could create an unhealthy work environment while dust and dirt settle into the carpets. This is the reason why using the services of a professional carpet cleaning company for your commercial carpets is such a great alternative. You can not only have your carpet cleaned, but it also will be done professionally and effectively. A professional carpet cleaning company can provide you with other cleaning services giving your office the opportunity to reach its cleanliest.

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Method

What is commercial carpet cleaning? First, when you request these services, experts will inspect the condition of your carpet. They examine not only the overall condition of your carpet but also the high traffic areas. This is the perfect time for you to ask them any questions you may have about their cleaning process.

How often should you clean your carpet? The carpet cleaning company representatives can schedule monthly or yearly visits depending on how often the carpet is used. For example, if you have a lot of employees, you may want monthly carpet cleaning. These companies can work around your schedule and can usually come out on weekends.

Most professional carpet cleaning companies offer to come and inspect the condition of your carpet in the days after the appointment. The purpose of this is to ensure that the cleaning services have been done correctly and that your carpet is in its best condition. If stains are still there after the initial cleaning, a second cleaning will be done with a follow-up.

Professional Carpet Cleaning

Carpet cleaning companies usually also offer you other services like green carpet cleaning or even mold removal. Most companies will combine your carpet cleaning with other services allowing you to save money in the long run.

How can you determine the price of commercial carpet cleaning? Different cleaning companies are going to have different prices. Once you get in touch with a professional carpet cleaning company, they can provide you with a free estimate. Getting multiple estimates may take a little time but could save you money in the future. However, the price range of some of the commercial carpet cleaning companies varies at around $0.20 to $0.25 per square foot. For tougher stains, there could be an extra charge between $40-$50 for the stains to be removed. Talk with your carpet cleaner about coupons or discounts as well.  If you schedule regular cleanings, they might offer you a discount.

Desert Oasis Cleaning Offers Commercial Carpet Cleaning in Phoenix

To schedule commercial carpet cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial carpet cleaning services, or to get a free carpet cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 480-720-0907. We also offer tile cleaning services!


Cleaning Range Hoods
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Range Hoods

A range hood is an important part of any kitchen as it keeps the air clean while you’re cooking.  Cooking naturally produces smoke and steam.  The smoke can contain potentially toxic fumes and excessive steam in your kitchen leads to mold.  Even airborne grease is caught and removed by your range hood.

Range Hood Cleaning Steps

While your range hood is keeping your air clean it naturally gets dirty itself while removing the harmful fumes, grease, and moisture from your kitchen. To clean your range hood you’ll need to clean the air filter, range hood, vent, and fan.

Step 1: Clean The Filter

Range hoods have air filters that remove particulates from the smoke leaving your home.  There are two kind of air filters, charcoal and metal.  Each of these different types can be removed and cleaned easily or replaced.

Charcoal Filters

Charcoal filters cannot be cleaned and must just be replaced. It’s a good practice to replace them annually.  For kitchens that get more use they may need more frequent replacement.

Metal Filters

The first step in cleaning it is getting it out of the range hood.  Next you’ll want to soak it in a solution of degreaser.  Make sure it is full immersed in the solution and once it’s dissolved you can give it a wash in warm soapy water.  You can also run it through a cycle in the dishwasher on the top rack for good measure.  Ensure it is completely dry and then reinstall the filter.

Step 2: Clean The Range Hood

While removing the greasy moist air from your kitchen the surfaces of the range hood will get sticky and coated with grease.  To get this film off ensure that the range is turned off and the range hood isn’t running, or light turned on.  Choose a nonabrasive household cleaner that is good for degreasing and wipe down the range hood.  Ensure you never spray switches, electrical components, or the light bulb with your cleaner.

Step 3: Clean The Vent

Just like the range hood grease will build up in the vent and should be removed.  Grease, as many of us know, is flammable. Letting grease build up in the vent presents a fire hazard that needs to be mitigated. Unless you’ve got the right tools and training to clean a vent you should contact a professional range hood cleaning company.

Step 4: Clean The Fan

The fan is the most common place to get excessive grease and should be wiped down with degreaser.  Many times it is the blower wheel that gets the most grease and dirt.  This part in many designs can be removed and degreased just like a metal filter.

Range Hood Trouble Shooting

If you’ve found this article because you’re having problem with your range hood, this section is for you!  Common range hood problems are buttons not working, the motor is loud, or the range hood isn’t removing smoke from your kitchen.

Buttons Not Working

If the buttons aren’t working to turn on the fan or light it is likely an electrical problem.  If the control board isn’t working on your panel it typically requires a visit from a professional repair person.

Smoke Stays In Kitchen

If your range hood is on high and isn’t removing the smoke from your kitchen, it’s a big problem!  Common causes are blocked vents, worn out fans, or clogged air filters.  Follow the cleaning stops above for the filter and fan.  Then ensure that the vent isn’t blocked in any way.

Loud Range Hoods

While some sound is normal elevated levels of noise is a sign of a problem.  Cleaning is the motor is the first step to quieting a noisy range hood.  The dirt and grease that collects on the motor can cause it to make noise and wear out.  If cleaning doesn’t resolve the noise you may need to replace it.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Best Degreaser For Commercial Range Hoods
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Best Degreasers For Cleaning Commercial Range Hoods

When you are in the kitchen you will inevitably run into grease at one time or another. It can be almost everywhere when you look, in airborne oils, drips and splats and your range hood is certainly not immune to that, either! Read on to learn of some recommendations that will fit all budgets and individual preferences.

Professional Recommendations

Not only as a degreaser but also as a multi-purpose cleaner Mrs. Meyer’s vegetable-protein-based Clean Day Countertop Spray is highly used and recommended by professionals especially for the scent of the dormula available in lemon, lavender, basil and geranium. When you are facing an especially tough grease situation, the professionals often opt for the concentrated version of the citrus-packed Citra Solv Natural Cleaner and Degreaser. Incidentally, should grease splatter onto a wall, Siege Premium Kitchen Degreaser has the advantage of being solvent free and is much favored by those inthe cooking and cleaning industries.

Green Products

There is no questions green products are highly desired by consumers and there is a non profit organization promoring environmental health research and advocacy called: The Environmental Working Group. When assessing products claiming to be green, they break them down based on the ec-friendliness and safety of the ingredients the products are made from. This group has very high standards and currently only two products have received their top rating: Green Shield Organic Cleaner Degreaser and Whole Foods Market Green Mission Organic All-Purpose Spray Cleaner and Degreaser.

Make Your Own

Sometimes homemade degreasers can be fantastic, cost effective and utilize ingredients that are eco-friendly. A basic formula is to pour a small amount of white vinegar on to the area you want to clean and then wipe with a dampened soft cloth. It is especially effective on greasy cabinets but you should be weary of using it on marble. A combination of baking soda and coarse salt is very effective on range hoods and stove tops, too.

Top Tips

  • Cover your skillets and pots with lids or splatter covers while cooking helps to reduce the need to degrease.
  • Wood cleaners work as a degreaser on finished, washable cabinets, while unfinished cabinets simply need a good rub-down with a soft, dry cloth.
  • When you encounter stubborn greasy stains, rub them with a dab of natural vegetable oil before applying your degreaser.
  • Before painting your kitchen walls, apply a heavy-duty degreaser to promote paint adhesion.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Cleaning Vinyl Banners
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Vinyl Banners

If you have a vinyl banner you want to use over the long term, keeping it clean so it represents you in the best possible light is very important indeed as they can be great foot fall and revenue drivers. Vinyl is actually called PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and has the advantage of resisting both humidity and moisture. Read on to learn more about cleaning your vinyl signs effectively.

Vinyl Cleaning Banner Do’s And Don’ts

Cleaning a vinyl banner is simple, it just takes a mixture of soap and water together with a cloth that is non-abrasive. Just be cautious and do not scrub at the banner as it may cause damage to the ink on the banner. Rinse out the banner thoroughly with water and make sure it is fully dried out before you store it away. You should also avoid folding the banner. It is best to keep it in a container and cool and dry place away from sunlight. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents or detergents on the banner as it can destroy the color. Along the same lines, do not use any materials that provide abrasion or cleaning pads for the same reason. Do not use any solvents but be sure to wipe down the banner, especially if it has many colors with a microfiber or soft cloth.

Banner Storage

The ideal way to store a banner is to keep the packaging that was used to originally ship it. If it came with some paper for protection, you could utilize it. If you no longer have the original packaging, store it so the ink on the banner does not touch other parts of the banner containing ink.

Step By Step

  • When cleaning with a non-abrasive cloth make sure the cloth is not too abrasive and avoid using sponges.
  • Do not use any detergents, solvents or cleaning chemicals.
  • Make sure the soap you use is mild in formula and not scented. Remember to mix it with water!
  • Do not use paper towels as they are usually too abrasive.
  • Store the banner in a dry cool place away from sunlight.
  • When you hang your banner use the proper tools as you do not want the banner to drop down to the floor, damaging the banner and presenting a trip or a fall hazard.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Cleaning Range Hood Filters
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Range Hood Filters

Have you had a look at the underside of your range hood and examined the filters on the exhaust fan, recently? Bet you haven’t! The sight awaiting you will not look great! The filter is there to collect the grease so if you want to learn how to clean these important filters, read more about it here.

Range Hood Filter Cleaning Process

Here is what you will require to clean your range hood filter:

  • Dishcloth or paper towels
  • A scrub brush that is non-abrasive
  • Baking soda
  • Dish soap with a degreaser
  • Very hot water

Step By Step

  1. First, remove the filters from the hood. In most cases, the filters pop or slide out from the underside of the hood. Some have a metal loop one can grab to push the filter up and slide it out.
  2. Take a bucket or a sink with very hot or even boiling water. Consider boiling the water with a kettle or on the stove. The hotter the water, the more effective it will be.
  3. Pour in dish soap and baking soda. Squeeze a good sized squirt and a quarter cup of baking soda into the hot water. Mix it with a brush until the water is soapy.
  4. Insert the greasy filters in the water and ensure they are completely submerged.
  5. Let the filters soak fully for ten minutes.
  6. Remove them from the mixture and scrub the filters with a non-abrasive brush. if the grease is stubborn add more dish soap to the brush when you scrub.
  7. Then rinse the filters in totally hot water and dry with a clean dishcloth or a paper towel.
  8. Then replace the filters and get into the habit of cleaning them. Once a month should be enough!

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

How To Clean A Copper Range Hood
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

How To Clean A Copper Range Hood

Canopy range hoods are a design style of range hoods originally based on the industrial style and build of range hoods found inside commercial and professional kitchens. As you can probably guess from the name, it takes the form of a canopy over the cooking area, giving it not only an eye-catching impressive looking design but also gives it a very easy to use, efficient and effective operation. Read on to learn more as a canopy range hood may be just what you are looking for!

Do You Have A Lacquer Finish?

In this article we are going to talk about three ways to clean a copper range hood. However, stop reading right now, if you have a lacquered finish and consult the manufacturer to make a determination of the recommended cleaning technique.

Using Bar Keepers Friend Copper Cleaner

Bar Keepers Friend is as well known copper cleaner and you can use it in the following way with some soft cloths:

  1. Wipe the hood with a damp cloth so it becomes moistened.
  2. Sprinkle any non-vertical surfaces with copper cleaner.
  3. Gently rub the cleaner over the hood, ensuring all surfaces are covered with the moist paste you have created
  4. Allow it to sit for a few minutes or as directed on the product label.
  5. Use a clean cloth to clean the copper. Repeat this process until all cleaner has been removed from the range hood.
  6. Finish by polishing the copper range hood to a bright shine with a clean soft cloth.

How to Clean a Copper Range Hood Caked With Grease

Here is what you will need:

  • Dish soap
  • Sponge
  • Copper polish
  • Flannel cloth

Cleaning Method

  1. Use a wet sponge and some hot water with three drops of dish soap. Use the sponge to wipe the range hood and leave the soap on the surface for 12 minutes so the grease is loosened.
  2. Take soapy sponge and rub the copper, adding and rinsing with more soap as required. Rinse the range hood with a clean, wet sponge and dry it with a towel to prepare for polishing.
  3. Take a small amount of copper polish to the flannel cloth. The copper needs to be covered with a thin layer of polish and allowed to dry.
  4. Using small circular like motions, rub the range hood so there is no residue from the polish remaining.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Inspecting Railings For Rust
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Inspecting Railings For Rust

Rust is more than just a visual problem. When railings are not galvanized the result is a product that rusts after a few years of use. Rusted railing is not just an eye sore, it is unsafe. When metal is rusted it loses it structural integrity, resulting in a product that will not perform to manufactures specification. Read on to learn more.


To assure a safe environment while working at heights, be sure to annually inspect railings for rust. Pay particular attention to the joints where welds are made. If the joint is rusty, it may no longer be structural.


The railing should be galvanized. If the railing is merely painted or powder coated, the paint will chip and the metal will rust. If the railing is galvanized, the metal has been treated to resist rust. Avoid railing that is welded. Even if your pipe is galvanized, welding requires that the galvanization be removed. Most of the time on a welded railing, the joints begin to rust long before the main sections of pipe. To avoid welding, build a railing based on pipe fittings. Fittings provide a connection as strong as a weld, but the galvanization is not broken, resulting in a longer lasting railing. Build with aluminum. Aluminum is great for moisture rich environments. It will not rust and it provides a great look. You’ll pay extra for aluminum, but if you are looking to the long term the results will be worth the cost. Add powder coating for an added level of protection. Standard paint usually chips off easily. Powder coating is a baked on paint that provides a protective coating over the entire surface of the metal. Powder coating can usually be done in any  color and adds longevity and aesthetic value to the railing. Be sure that the metal underneath is galvanized to prevent rusting if the paint coating should chip.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Removing Nicotine From Plastic
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Removing Nicotine From Walls

Smoke from cigarettes leaves behind a yellow residue that stains walls. Read on to learn how it can be removed from walls.

As the smell in a heavy smoker’s home can linger for a very long time, it can be difficult to completely remove nicotine from walls. For a chemical-free approach, the best cleaner for nicotine on walls is a solution of half vinegar and half water. When cleaning nicotine stains, the vinegar can also help to neutralize the lingering odor. Spray the vinegar solution and let it sit for several seconds before wiping it clean with a damp cloth. It can take several applications to complete. The best cleaner for nicotine on walls from a commercial standpoint is a product containing trisodium phosphate, or TSP. TSP is a general-purpose cleaner found in most home improvement stores.

Before cleaning the wall, put a tarp down on the floor to protect it from drips. It’s also a good idea to don cleaning gloves, as TSP can irritate the skin.

To remove nicotine from walls, follow the directions on the label for the proper amount of water to cleaner ratio. Dip a sponge or scrub brush in the cleaning solution and wipe or scrub until the stain disappears. It may take several passes for stains that are building up over time. Rinse the sponge in clean water and wipe the area clean of the cleanser.

It may not be possible to remove nicotine from walls that are too far gone, and repainting may be necessary. Because tar and nicotine will leach through paint, it’s best to first paint the walls with KILZ primer to neutralize the odor and cover the stain.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

How to remove stains from plastics
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

10 Incredible Ways to Remove Stains From Plastic

Epoxy floors are generally easy to care for. However here are some guideline to keep them in tip-top condition. Read on to learn more.

Plastic is incredibly useful for everyday uses.  Commonly found in the kitchen for its affordable yet highly efficient purpose.  Unfortunately, plastic inevitably stains or discolors due to the material stored.

We share techniques to remove stains from plastic with household cleaners.  You can finally extend the life of your favorite mixing bowls, drinking glasses, spoons, spatulas, colanders, and other popular kitchen goods.

Regardless of the material you decide to clean with, always rinse thoroughly to remove any residue.



The best way to prevent discoloration is rinsing the item immediately after its use.  Food dye commonly stains plastic that are left unrinsed.  Coffee, tea, juice, soda, tomato sauce and tomato paste stains are the leading causes for discoloration.

Rubbing alcohol is highly effective at removing these stains.  If the stains are being stubborn and not coming out, then pour the rubbing alcohol into the container.  Allow it to sit for a few minutes.

When the plastic is not a container, or the outside of the container, you cannot simply let the object soak.  Instead you will need to use a larger container to sit the smaller object in.

Once the stains have disappeared from the plastic object, it is time to rinse thoroughly and dry.



Don’t have rubbing alcohol available?  Try using hand sanitizer as a substitute as its active ingredient is alcohol.

You can apply the hand sanitizer directly to the plastic ware.  Wash and rinse thoroughly, then dry.


Use bleach to remove stains from plastic


Chlorine bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can remove liquid stains such as coffee, soda, juice, tea; ink stains; and those pesky tomato stains.

Due to its strength, you will need to dilute the bleach with water.  Use one tablespoon of bleach per cup of water.

Set the plastic ware in a larger container and let it soak for at least one to two hours.  Helpful tip: use a larger container to clean multiple plastic containers at the same time.



If you have concerns using bleach on food containers, consider white vinegar as an alternative.  In fact, they use the exact same ratio!  One tablespoon vinegar per cup of water.

Due to being a natural food-safe substance, people often prefer vinegar since it’s made from organic compounds.  Residue from cleaning plastic containers with vinegar could improve your digestion!

Vinegar does not harm plastic.  It can be used to remove water marks as well.


Baking sodea paste can remove stains from plastic5.  BAKING SODA PASTE

Need to know how to remove oily residues stains from plastic?  Baking soda paste is a great disinfectant that can clean plastics.  It can also remove the typical liquid stains previously mentioned.

Baking soda paste needs to be mixed with water.  Apply directly to the discolored areas of the plastic container.  Allow the object to sit for twenty to thirty mins before applying with a moist cloth to the container.

Then rinse and dry.



Denture tablets are a great plastic cleaner!

Denture tablets were created for keeping dentures clean, disinfected and prevent discoloration.  Therefore, it is strong enough to address your plastic ware stains.

Place 2 tablets in hot water.  Then pour the mixture into your discolored container.  Let sit until the stains are gone.




Okay, ready for this one?  Alka seltzer has a lot of unknown uses!  Who knew?!

It can polish your jewelry, clean your coffee maker, whiten and bright laundry, and clean those stained plastics!

Crazy, huh?

Add 2 tablets to hot water.  Swish the solution around until the tablets have dissolved and let sit for an hour.



Prefer to go complete organic?  Lemon juice and sun light is the way to go then.

Rub the stained food container with lemon juice.  Then set it outside for 1 or 2 days so the sun’s UV light can work its magic.

Salt can remove stains from plastic9.  SALT

Good ole salt and warm water works to remove stains.  Use a damp cloth to scrub the effected areas.  You may need to repeat this process several times for the discoloration to be resolved.




Find a dishwasher soap built to remove stains and apply it outside of the dishwasher.  Dawn Power Dissolver and Cascade Plastic Booster are popular choices.

Soak your containers in warm water for thirty to sixty minutes.  Watch for the discoloration to dissolve and then wash the object.

These are the most proven methods for how to remove stains from plastic.  If you have any alternative suggestions, please share in the comments section.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Epoxy Floor Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Epoxy Floors

Epoxy floors are generally easy to care for. However here are some guideline to keep them in tip-top condition. Read on to learn more.

General Maintenance

Dust mop once a week. The best way to maintain your epoxy floor is to run a soft dust mop over it once a week. This removes dirt and dust gently, which prevents scratches and protects your floor. For floors with an anti-slip aggregate coating–such as aluminum oxide–a soft bristle push broom may be more effective than a standard dust mop.

Vacuum any joints once a month. If you have visible construction joints or saw cuts, you should use a vacuum to clean these out. For best results, use your vacuum attachment hose with a crevice tool. Vacuum these joints about once per month. If you do not have a vacuum, you can try to clean any joints/cuts with a stiff bristle broom.

Clean spills immediately with a soft cloth. Oil, chemicals, or even just water left to sit for too long can damage your epoxy floors. Clean any spills as soon as you see them using a soft towel or cloth. You can use a gentle cleanser–such as Windex–if a spill is sticky or leaves a film.

Deep Cleaning

Perform a deep cleaning every three months. In addition to general cleaning, you can keep your epoxy floors in good shape by doing a deep cleaning about once every few months. In order to accomplish this, you may need to move some vehicles, tools, or other items out of your way.

Choose a cleaning solution. You have two good options to choose from: the first is a non-toxic, biodegradable cleanser (like Simple Green), and the second is ammonia. When prepared with the right amount of water, both of these cleansers are safe and effective for epoxy floors.

  • Mix 12 cup (120 ml) of Simple Green with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of hot water. If you make an over-concentrated solution, it can leave a film on your floor.
  • Mix 12 cup (120 ml) of ammonia with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of hot water.

Mop the floor with a hard foam mop. Create a bucket of cleaning solution, as well as a bucket of plain hot water. Submerge your hard foam mop into your cleaning solution, ring it out, and then move it over your floor. Rinse the floor. Fill a bucket with clean warm water. Using your hard foam mop, go back over the floor with water in order to rinse off any detergent. When you’re finished, dry the floor with a soft towel.

Stain Removal

Remove tire marks with a concrete degreaser. The best way to remove tire marks from epoxy floors is to saturate the area with a concrete degreasing product and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Then use a stiff bristle nylon brush to vigorously scrub tire marks away. If they are persistent, you may need to apply the degreaser a second time. Once the tire marks have been removed, rinse the area with a bit of water and dry with a towel.

Work on tire marks right away when they’re made. They will be more difficult to remove the longer they build up.


  • Do not use cleansers with vinegar or citrus oil in them. These abrasive substances can damage epoxy floors.

  • Avoid using soap and soapy cleansers. These can leave streaks or make your epoxy floor slippery.

  • Park a vehicle so each tire is on a piece of cardboard or carpet if it sits on epoxy floors for a prolonged period of time.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

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