Door Knob Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Door Knob Cleaning

When it’s time to clean our homes or surroundings, it’s important to touch all the bases. You might remember to sanitize your kitchen and bathroom counters, take care of your floors, and dust every visible area imaginable – however, do you know how to clean your door hardware?

Say you’re coming into the office, picking up breakfast, going to the gym, or coming back home, you’re always using door handles, levers, and knobs. Nevertheless, you’re not the only one! Door handles are a major part of day-to-day life than you undoubtedly realize. High-trafficked areas such as these are ideal grounds for bacteria to gather, and when touching the knobs, you are transmitting that bacteria from one area to another. In this post, it will demonstrate how to clean door knobs and handles of different finishes. Not only are you going to be safeguarding yourself and others from disease and illness, but you will also be preserving the longevity of your hardware also.

Stainless Steel Door Hardware

Cleaning your stainless-steel doorknobs is easy. All you require is water and a mild soap solution! When you care for this type of hardware, you never want to use off-the-shelf cleaners that contain chlorine bleach chloride or, since it can compromise the steel. Steel wool or other types of abrasives can have the same effect – they’ll scratch your knobs, decreasing their appearance. If you have heavily coated grime and dirt that isn’t coming off with the solution, create a mixture of equal parts olive oil and vinegar. WD-40 or club soda have been known to work well, too.

Brass and Copper Door Hardware

To discover the way to clean brass and copper doorknobs, you are going to first have to distinguish the differences between brass-plated and solid brass knobs. This is a vital step since these two variations must be cleaned differently. A strong magnet can help you establish what kind of brass your doorknob is since it is going to only be drawn to plated metal.

If you have solid brass or copper doorknobs, you can try a couple of different DIY methods to clean them. One of them is a sort of mash comprised of equal portions of flour, vinegar, and salt. Use around a tablespoon of each for creating the mash, then place it on your knob and let it rest for a couple of minutes prior to buffing it off. One other option is to use a combination of lemon and salt. All you must do is cut a lemon in two and place the salt around the pulp on one area. Then rub the lemon on the unclean knob. The acid from the lemon helps eliminate those bothersome blemishes and grime!

Brass-plated doorknobs need to be addressed more delicately. Scrubbing too hard or using too harsh chemicals can end up destroying the plating. A soap and water solution should perform for a lot of cleanings; however, you can use ammonia or a mild brass cleaner if it isn’t getting the task done. Nevertheless, if the doorknob is lacquered, stay with soap and water.

Pewter Door Hardware

Cleaning pewter doorknobs is exceedingly easy! Just rubbing the knobs with ordinary vinegar is going to get them looking gleaming and new fast. Should you wish to try something behind the times, you can utilize white cabbage leaves to reveal the original shine. Should you have exceedingly tarnished pewter doorknobs, you can use 0000 steel wool soaked in olive oil to delicately scrub the areas. Wash, rinse the doorknob, then buff it dry.

Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Door Hardware

Everybody loves the beautiful look of sterling silver doorknobs; however, they tarnish easily. A lot of off-the-shelf general-purpose cleaners are going to work well with this type of hardware, nevertheless there are other choices to try, too. For a DIY method, simply get a baking tray, fill it with about a cup of baking soda, and put the knob(s) in it. Then pour boiling water over them and watch as the tarnish fades away! The knob is both clean and sanitized. Following the water cooling, merely remove the knobs, get them dry, and finish the undertaking with a little polish for restoring the shine.

Glass, Crystal, and Clear Plastic Doorknobs

Glass, crystal clear and plastic, doorknobs can usually be cleaned with an all-purpose cleaner, so whichever one you have available can typically do the trick. Naturally developed cleaners work better than manmade ones, though, so try to use those when possible.

Commercial Cleaning Phoenix by Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners

Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners is a commercial cleaning company in Phoenix offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including office cleaning, warehouse floor cleaning, industrial cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, company breakrooms & washrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning across the Valley.

To get a free cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are important for your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners that never hesitate to go to great lengths to guarantee your workplace looks it’s best!

Cleaning Wood Cabinets
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Wood Cabinets

Wood cabinets, especially those in the kitchen take a lot of beating so here are some ideas to help you keep them clean. Read on to learn more.

Vinegar Solution

  • Mix a cup of white vinegar with a cup of water. This mild cleaning solution is perfect for everyday use on wooden cabinets. It won’t warp the wood or take off the finish.
  • If you dislike cleaning with vinegar, you can use a light soap solution instead. Mix a teaspoon of dish soap with a cup of water.
  • Do not use harsh all-purpose cleansers on your cabinets. They may cause discoloration and warping.

After Cooking

  • Grease and food particles can accumulate on cabinet surfaces every time you cook. Dip a clean washcloth or cleaning rag into the vinegar solution and use it to wipe down the cabinet doors and underneath the cabinets.
  • Wring out the cloth you’re using so that it’s damp, but not dripping.

Cleaning Inside Cabinets

  • Spices and other foods you store in your cabinets are likely to spill sometimes, so keep the inside of your cabinets clean by wiping them out every few weeks. Wipe the cabinets out with a mild vinegar or soap solution. Dry the cabinets with a clean towel then put everything back on the shelves.


  • For mild dust accumulation, use a soft and dry cloth to clean both the cabinet’s interior and exterior surfaces. The grease and steam produced during cooking will cake the dust onto cabinet surfaces, making it harder to clean off if you do it infrequently.

Oil Soap Wood Cleaner

  • Oil soap removes grease and other caked-on substances without damaging wooden surfaces. It’s stronger than vinegar or a simple dish soap solution, so it’s a good product to have on hand when you want to give your cabinets a deep cleaning.
  • Use a soft cloth to rub the oil soap on your cabinets using a circular motion, but not too much pressure.
  • Go back over the cabinets with a clean cloth. Remove all residues from the grease and oil cleanser so that the surface of your cabinets is entirely clean.

Removing Caked-on Substances

  • Food spills left unattended for a long time can harden and become quite difficult to remove. Baking soda acts as a mild abrasive that will remove the dried substance without ruining your wood. Mix baking soda with enough water to make a thick paste. Dip a cloth in the paste and use it to scrub off the caked-on substance.
  • If the substance still won’t budge, apply the paste and let it soak in for 15 minutes before you scrub it away.
  • You may want to use a thin spatula or another tool to help scrape off the substance.

Furniture Polish Or Waxing

  • A polished cabinet exterior will give your kitchen a warm and lustrous look by bringing out the true character of the wood. Most polishes will leave either a high shine or a low luster, so choose the one that suits the look of your kitchen.
  • Rub the polish over a small area of the cabinet’s exterior. Work in four or five-inch sections in order to make sure the entire surface of the cabinets gets evenly polished. Rub the polish in a gentle circular motion.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Church Cleaning Ideas

Here are some church cleaning ideas for the spring time. Read on to learn more. 

Identify Areas

The first step to successful spring cleaning is to take a walk through your building and grounds, and identify any asset that may require maintenance attention. Include facility team members in this process by asking them if they have any projects they would like to add to a spring cleaning checklist.

Walkways & Sidings

As longer days and warmer weather come around, give your facility’s siding and walkways the attention they need after being exposed to damaging salt residue and dirt during winter months. To clean siding, use a pressure washer and a concentrated cleaning solution. To clean walkways, start by sweeping. Then, apply detergent or degreaser using a pressure washer. Finish by power washing the concrete.

Roof Extensions

Awnings, gutters and other roof overhangs often bear the brunt of abuse from winter elements. They can also trap outdoor debris and collect bird droppings. To rid your building’s overhangs of dirt and grime, use a pressure washer with cleaner and degreaser. Never use a pressure washer while standing on a ladder. Instead, use a curved gutter cleaning attachment for your pressure washer.

Air Conditioning Units

Prepare your church for rising summer temperatures by servicing all air conditioning units on your property. A/C units that have been sitting idle for months are likely dirty from accumulation of grime and oxidation film. Dirty A/C units could impact performance and cost you money through increased energy usage. Start by conducting a coil cleaning on each A/C unit.

Outdoor Work

Does your facilities department use winter utility vehicles? If so, springtime is the perfect time to give them a thorough wash. During the winter, vehicles will often accumulate residual salt buildup. This buildup can cause corrosion and damage to the finish of vehicles if not removed.

Flooring Issues

During winter, entrance matting is great for preventing dirt, snow and moisture from damaging your facility’s flooring. But once spring rolls around, your facility’s mats will need a good cleaning. Begin my vacuuming the tops of rugs to remove dry dirt. Then, flip mats over and vacuum again to shake free any remaining particles. If your mats have crusty salt stains, soak them in hot water with a neutralizer solution. Then, extract water by using a brush-and-vac system.

Trash Cans

This spring, disinfect trash receptacles and areas around them. Warmer weather can create a damp and smelly breeding ground for insects and pests in your facility. Start by spraying down empty trash bins and applying soap. Rinse and apply disinfectant. You may find it helpful to apply a deodorizer to trash bins as well.


While many custodial workers have a regular cleaning routine for restrooms, it is still a good idea to conduct periodic deep cleanings to eliminate lingering dirt, dust, bacteria and messes. When deep cleaning a restroom, take time to remove built up grime and mold, polish fixtures, wipe down partitions, and scrub walls near toilets and urinals.


Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaning Offers Cleaning Throughout The Phoenix Area.

Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners offers professional and affordable church cleaning services in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Tempe and more. Get a free church cleaning quote today!

If you are ready to experience superior church cleaning services for your church, call Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners right away at 480-720-0907.

Church Cleaning Checklist
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Church Cleaning Checklist

If you’re searching for a church cleaning checklist you’re likely a pastor or minister who’s looking for a thorough list of items that need to be cleaned in your church on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Download the Church Cleaning Checklist PDF

It doesn’t matter if your church has 50 members or 5,000, regular cleaning is vital to maintaining the building’s brilliance. Reducing germ exposure is also important to ensure the safety and well-being of your church members. It is recommended your church be cleaned at least once a week as well as after any special events are held.

Church Bathrooms

The church bathrooms should also be cleaned each week. Clean the mirrors and countertops, and empty out all of the trash cans. The toilet seats and bowls should be cleaned completely using a strong cleaning agent such as Comet.

Church Kitchen

The church kitchen will typically be cleaned by the staff using it, but weekly maintenance cleaning is vital for keeping the room shining. Empty all trash cans and thoroughly wipe down the countertops, sinks and stovetops with a disinfectant spray. Sweep and completely mop the floors and clean all of the windows. Refrigerators should also be cleaned on a regular basis.

Church Lobby

The lobby is the fellowship area and main entrance of your church. This is where weekly bulletins are circulated, and commonly where church members assemble before and after services to engage in small talk. This area needs to be vacuumed or swept, and all trash cans emptied out. Take down any old bulletins and dispose of them. If your church has a snack table, dispose of any crumbs or leftover food and thoroughly wipe down the table.

Church Sanctuary

Sanctuaries usually see the most traffic, because they are needed for church services, weddings, and funerals. The sanctuary needs to be vacuumed and all trash cans should be emptied out. Place hymnals and Bibles in their proper locations and collect any deserted bulletins and throw them out. The stage area should be cleaned to remove any thrash the choir may have left behind, and all props should be removed, and put in their proper location. Let the musicians clean the instruments.

Church Nursery

Completely cleaning the church’s nursery is one of the most important parts of church upkeep. Small children don’t yet have fully developed immune systems, so they are especially vulnerable to catching colds and viruses. Vacuum the nursery floors and be sure they are free from smaller objects, like as hair clips, coins or whatnot. Wipe down any furniture with a non-toxic disinfectant. All toys should be also be cleaned with a disinfectant, particularly the toys that young crawlers and infants can place in their mouths. Change out crib bedsheets and thoroughly wash them in hot water to kill any leftover germs. Completely wipe down the crib mattress covers with a non-toxic disinfectant.

Church Classrooms

The church classrooms, that are used to hold Bible studies or Sunday school lessons, should be vacuumed and tidied up. This will include putting away any leftover Bible study materials, like papers, pens, and Bibles. Clean the tables and chairs with non-toxic disinfectant wipes. If the classrooms have coffeemakers in them, add new filters and restock the coffee creamers stirrers and coffee cups.

Church Offices

Church office rooms are typically the most used since the pastoral staff is usually in them daily. The office floors should be thoroughly vacuumed at least once a week and all of the trash cans emptied. Dust telephones, computer monitors and bookshelves. Disinfect the telephones by wiping them down with disinfectant wipes or a soapy washcloth.

Bi-Annual And Annual Church Cleaning Guidelines

It’s usually easier on church staff to let cleaning professionals handle larger cleaning jobs. Here are some examples of cleaning jobs that should be done at least once or twice a year.

  • Deep-steam carpets
  • All Furniture upholstery cleaning
  • Hardwood floors waxed, buffed and sealed
  • Church-wide air duct cleaning
  • Outside power washing

Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaning Offers Cleaning Throughout The Phoenix Area.

Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners offers professional and affordable church cleaning services in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Tempe and more. Get a free church cleaning quote today!

If you are ready to experience superior church cleaning services for your church, call Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners right away at 480-720-0907.

Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Restaurant Cleaning Checklist

Restaurant Cleaning Checklist

If you’re searching for a restaurant cleaning checklist you’re likely a restaurant owner or manager who’s looking for a through list of items that need to be cleaned on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.  Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners proudly offers restaurant cleaning in the Phoenix Valley and customizes cleaning checklists to each and every restaurant and business.  The following is a starter checklist that is customized to your restaurants needs.

Daily Restaurant Cleaning Checklist

Restaurants must be cleaned on a daily bases not only to stay presentable to diners, but to avoid costly fines from health inspectors.  Here are the daily chores broken down between the front and back of house.

Back of House Cleaning

Keeping the back of house clean is just as important as where the diners see.  Ensure all of these areas are kept clean and disinfected.

  • Disinfecting all preparation surfaces
  • Clean and wipe down the fryer, grill, range, and flattop. Always clean under and behind equipment.
  • Wash meat slicers
  • Wash can openers
  • Clean walls and wipe away splashes
  • Clean popcorn machines
  • Wash the soda fountains and beverage dispensers heads
  • Clean hood filters in the dishwasher
  • Disinfect and clean the waste disposal area to prevent bacteria and pests. This includes mopping around cans and cleaning the inside and outside of garbage cans.

Front of House Cleaning

Maintaining a clean front of house ensure that diners get the right impression about your restaurant.  Dirty tables, unclean bathrooms, sticky floors, and other unclean areas will leave diners wondering how safe they are eating at your restaurant.

  • Sanitize all tables
  • Clean benches, chairs, and stools
  • Wipe down walls when needed
  • Disinfect and clean entryway and doors
  • Mop floors and vacuum carpets
  • Clean caddies and condiments
  • Clean and disinfect waste disposal areas and receptacles
  • Thoroughly clean restrooms including: toilets, floors, sinks, soap dispensers, and empty all trash

Weekly Restaurant Cleaning Checklist

There are a number of items that should be cleaned on a weekly basis.  Make sure these areas are getting the attention they need weekly or more often if it is needed for your location.

Back of House Cleaning

  • Sanitize and wash walk in refrigeration and freezer areas.
  • Clean ovens including: racks, sides, and walls
  • Delime faucets and sinks
  • Use drain cleaners in all floor drains

Front of House Cleaning

  • Disinfect all door handles throughout the property
  • Clean all air returns and air ducts using dusters and vacuum cleaners
  • Wash the windows and doors of all fingerprints and streaks

Monthly Restaurant Cleaning Checklist

These items should be watched for and cleaned on a monthly basis.  Some locations can easily go a month without problem while others might need these areas cleaned more often if there is a lot of dust in the air.  That is the Desert Oasis difference, completely customized checklists that give you the cleaning you need, when you need it.

Back of House Cleaning

  • Empty all grease traps
  • Clean the coffee machines
  • Clean dust off refrigeration coils
  • Clean ice machines
  • Wash ceiling and walls to remove airborne grease
  • Wash behind the hot line to prevent clogging
  • Change out pest traps
  • Sanitize and clean freezers
  • Wash the vent hoods (as needed cleaning task)

Front of House Cleaning

  • Dust all decorations and stationary objects
  • Wipe down and dust all lighting fixtures
  • Remove all cobwebs
  • Wash the walls (as needed cleaning task)

Customized Restaurant Cleaning Services In Phoenix

If you have a restaurant you need to keep it clean not only for the health inspector but for the impression it gives your patrons.  Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners offers the highest quality restaurant cleaning services and restaurant kitchen cleaning services with customized and detailed restaurant cleaning checklists.  Give us a call for a free restaurant cleaning consultation to see how we can help you keep your restaurant clean and ready for business!

Call Today – (480) 720-0907

Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

6 Advantages Of Commercial Cleaning For Your Restaurant In Mesa

6 Advantages Of Commercial Cleaning For Your Restaurant In Mesa

If you’re searching for Mesa Restaurant Cleaning you’re likely an owner or manager of a busy restaurant.  Running a successful restaurant starts with the best food and service and ends with a bit of a mess after an evening of service.  Keeping your service and kitchen staff around late to clean adds up to overtime.  Restaurant employees are also tired after full shifts of service and might be tempted to skip areas or rush.

Commercial cleaning companies that offer restaurant cleaning services come in fresh at the end of a night with only one job, to get you ready for the next day of service!  This means your hard working service kitchen staff can head home after their shifts and rest to be ready for the next day while your cleaning company mops up, cleans up, empties garbage, and gets your restaurant clean.

The Advantages Of Commercial Restaurant Cleaning

Restaurant owners that decide to hire commercial cleaning companies understand the advantages.  There are a 6 main advantages of hiring a commercial cleaning to do your cleaning.  Read below to appreciate just how much it will help to have your restaurant cleaned by our team.

Fresh For The Fight

Clearly one of the top advantages of hiring a commercial cleaning company for your restaurant is that the cleaning is done by a fresh team of professional cleaners.  There is no post shift lollygaging or slacking from tired restaurant employees.  This helps avoid skipping cleaning tasks or rushing them.  All restaurant owners and managers know just how quickly reputations can be destroyed by not sanitizing correctly or having a dirty location.

Avoid Overtime Spending

If you have your restaurant staff working an 8 hour shift that ends with another hour or more of cleaning it can add up quickly.  Keeping your budget tight will help invest in new equipment and ensure a healthier bottom line.  Paying your restaurant staff overtime to clean is typically more expensive than commercial cleaning services

A Cleaner Clean

Servers, hostesses, busy boys, and kitchen staff aren’t professional cleaners by trade.  While they can be trained it isn’t likely what they’re passionate about or hired to do.  Our cleaners are hired to clean, that’s it.  They are trained to the highest standards and ensure that every surface is sanitized and has a gleaming clean.

Preserves Equipment Condition

The equipment in your restaurant and kitchen are investments that should last as long as possible.  To preserve the condition of expensive restaurant equipment it is important that everything is cleaned on a regular basis.  This will help your refrigerators, freezers, microwaves, and other restaurant equipment last as long as possible.

Hard To Reach Cleaning

It is difficult to clean behind or under heavy equipment in your kitchen, under tables, and other hard to reach areas.  Commercial cleaning services go the extra mile to ensure that these areas are identified and added to regular cleaning checklists.  This makes sure that every inch of your restaurant and kitchen are kept clean and sanitized.  This includes coils on fridges, the dumpster areas, and high up areas that are hard to reach.

Thorough Cleaning

Commercial cleaning is done by people who just clean.  Our teams take the time to methodically work through checklists that are tailored to each location.  Every single surface, table, floor, wall, window, countertop, and handle will get sanitized.  Preventing the spread of germs is one of the main focuses of regular cleaning and can help your employees and customers avoid getting sick in your restaurant.

Restaurant Cleaning in Mesa

When you’re ready to enjoy the peace of mind that your restaurant is professionally and thoroughly cleaned each evening Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners is ready to help!  We are a local family owned and operated cleaning company serving the entire valley.

We offer free commercial cleaning quotes where we visit your commercial property and detail what needs cleaning and the schedule that will work for your budget and location.

Schedule A Free Restaurant Cleaning Consultation in Mesa Today – (480) 720-0907