Gym Cleaning Ideas
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Gym Cleaning Ideas

Fitness clubs are busier than ever before. One way to get an edge on the competition is to make sure your gym or fitness center is cleaner than anyone else’s. You need a regular cleaning program and the back-up of professional cleaning services to deliver the experience your customers deserve and to stop your beautiful facility from becoming a breeding ground for all manner of illness-causing germs. Read on to learn more about gym cleanliness.

How Clean Does The Gym Have To Be?

Legally speaking there are very few rules pertaining to the standard of cleanliness you need to maintain a gym in for it to be operational. That said, although there are no federal health codes regarding gyms, city and county inspectors may carry out an inspection is complaints have been received or illness has been traced back to the gym facility.

The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association does provide a  checklist of cleaning and maintenance tasks for health clubs. For the most part, though, it’s up to individual gyms—and gym attendees—to ensure their spaces are clean.

Gym Cleaning Ideas

You will require a methodical approach to the removal of bacteria and soiled equipment in your facilities. Could it be your customers are not there because they contracted an illness from being at the gym? It is a bad situation and obviously deters people from visiting your business. Throughout the day have your staff attend to the following areas:

  • Exercise machines need regular wiping down and disposable wipes are very helpful for this particular task. So make sure staff members are going through, wiping off touch screens, seats, bike handles and other areas where bacteria and sweat may assemble.
  • Weights And Bars have the same issues as exercise machines but are potentially far more dangerous to handle. Because people do not sweat on them, weights are often overlooked in the cleaning process, as they would do on a treadmill or a bike. However, germs still amass on the weights and bars, so they need regular wiping down.
  • Locker rooms are a hotbed of germ activity. For example, people frequently open their lockers before they wash their hands, with the accompanying bacteria from machines and weights. Get custodians to seep through locker rooms making sure they clean off the handles of lockers, areas, and benches by the mirror where members groom their hair before they leave.


  • Gym bathrooms have the same challenges as any high traffic area bathroom. Custodians need to focus on the removal of soil at sinks, (this is especially important when paper towels and soap are not fully automatic)and other points where germs can accumulate. Use mops only for the bathroom to avoid cross-contamination.

Making Gym Cleaning Easy

There will always be germs around especially in busier months so to make the job more simple, ensure signs are posted advising gym members of the importance of wiping down equipment and keeping it clean. Also, the importance of hand washing following a workout. Keep disposable wipes and cleaning solutions in ample supply so members can clean up once they have worked out. Also, think of upgrading the cleaning equipment used by your team. Look at some modern cleaning ideas and solutions to replace time-consuming mops. it will remove more germs and save your team a lot of time.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Gym Cleaning Services in Phoenix & Throughout The Valley.

To schedule gym cleaning or commercial cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the workplace, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

Benefits Of Commercial Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Benefits of Commercial Cleaning

If you are searching for the benefits of commercial cleaning, this post should help you decide if hiring commercial cleaners is right for you and your business!

Most people spend plenty of their waking hours at work So it is important they have a clean and welcoming environment to work in. Part of this is ensuring the business has regular commercial cleaning that goes beyond a simple vacuum and emptying the garbage. Here are some ways your business can benefit from using a professional commercial cleaning service.

Employee Productivity Increase

Many businesses understand the importance of keeping a neat and tidy appearance but did you ever consider air quality? Polluted air is not only a risk to human health but also impacts the productivity of your workforce as research suggests unclean air reduced the cognitive function of human beings.  The EPA claims poor air quality is a top five health risk in the USA. Luckily, if you have regular professional deep-cleaning, your office air will not only be fresh and clean but your workers will be more enthusiastic, brighter and productive.

Fewer Sick Days

How often do staff who are really sick and should be at home come into work, anyway? With them are germs that can spread rapidly throughout the whole office. A deep professional cleaning reduces the chances of a virus sweeping through the business. A complete cleaning is very important in keeping the spread of disease at bay. Viruses can live for up to 48 hours if they are not treated and are often too small to see. Many companies realize that making an investment in no-touch wastebaskets, soap dispensers, hand-drying systems, are important steps in making sure that all areas are fully disinfected. The CDC advises sanitizing areas such as doorknobs, desktops, phones, and faucets, on a daily basis.

A Healthier And Safer Work Environment

The air ducts in your business must be regularly cleaned to keep free from pathogens. The procedure used in duct cleaning can vary but an advanced extraction system should be used. Removing all harmful contaminants on a yearly basis can help keep maintain indoor air quality. As your HVAC system will also be working with greater efficiency, it will help to reduce your energy costs too. Allergies are one of the top three reasons employees are absent from work. Employees carry allergens from home to work, dust mite eggs, pet hair, and other substances into the business premises. Regular upholstery and carpet cleaning help to remove allergens and dust help to keep your employees working to their maximum potential.

A Professional & Positive Appearance

A clean, sanitary and smart appearance, with air that smells fresh and sweet, give customers, clients, and visitors higher confidence in your business goods or services. Professional commercial cleaning services can help you make sure clutter does not accumulate in halls, stairways and other access areas, daily dirt and dust removal and maintaining clean trash cans, not just removing bags. Some areas require daily cleaning, for example, food consumption areas, coffee and kitchen areas. The refrigerator must be sanitized and cleaned on a weekly basis. A stove or microwave must be cleaned daily.

Morale Boosters

Studies show moral is higher in a clean environment and they have more pride in their job accomplishment. This will help to elevate the quality of your brand. Employees post on social media about their work and this has a major impact on whether the talent you attract will have a positive effect on your business.

Premium Quality Cleaning

Some commercial cleaning services also offer additional services such as deep clean upholstery and rug services for a fresher look and better air quality. Services often include:

  • Wall cleaning
  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Grout and tile restoration and cleaning
  • Blind and drapery cleaning
  • Concrete floor care, restoration, and repair
  • Carpet and area rug cleaning
  • Air duct cleaning

Freeing Up Storage Space

When you hire a professional commercial cleaning company, space (maybe a closet) you used for storing all the cleaning gear can be repurposed for something else. Just think…dirty cloths, dusty brooms, stinky mops and buckets can be a thing of the past.

Desert Oasis Cleaners offers Commercial Cleaning Throughout The Phoenix Valley

To schedule commercial cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the workplace, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

Medical Office Cleaning Costs 2022
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

How Much Does Medical Office Cleaning Cost?

The average cost for medical office cleaning is $0.18 per square foot, with prices ranging from $0.06 per square foot to $0.30 per square foot for the US in 2019. If the cleaning service charges an hourly rate instead of a square footage rate, the average cost is $50 per hour with costs ranging from $25 to $75 per hour according to Kompareit.

It is vital to realize rates can vary enormously depending on the size of your facility, the level of cleaning required and the location of the proeprty, Furthermore additional services like wall to wall and floor to ceiling cleaning will be more expensive, whereas other add on’s will also add some to the total cost, For example, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming and mopping will all increase the total you will pay. Conversely, it is worth remembering paying the extra for an experienced medical office cleaner will not only create a safer and healthier environment, but it will also allow your staff to be more productive and enhance the comfort of your patients. Medical office cleaning should be part of your overall safety plan to limit the spreading of infection and disease.

Finding A Medical Office Cleaning Company

A professional medical office cleaning service will be specifically trained and knowledgeable in processes designed to stop the spread of disease as well as how best to prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading as well as how to sanitize all examination and surface areas. They, will of course, also understand how to clean delicate and expensive medical equipment without causing damage to them. Look for the following qualities when considering hiring a medical office cleaning company:

  • Uses hospital-grade sanitizers and disinfectants.
  • Uses HEPA vacuum filters for improved air quality and nanofiber technology to contain allergens and dust.
  • Understands how to prevent cross-contamination and how it can be caused.
  • Is trained on the proper disposal of blood-borne pathogens and other contaminants.
  • Follows Occupational Health and Safety Administration compliance protocols for proper sanitation and cleaning.
  • Check out the HCAHPS cleaning scores from other facilities they clean. These scores are based on surveys of the patient’s perceptions of cleanliness.

Getting The Best Value For Money

With medical office cleaning, it is never worth sacrificing top-notch service to save a few dollars. Nonetheless, you want to ensure you are getting a square deal. So consider this when you shop around:

  • Get quotes from multiple services to ascertain what you will be paying for. The lowest price does not always equal the best service or the best deal. With experience comes additional cost, but most people find the investment worth it.
  • Decide what jobs can be tackled to a professional level by your current staff. Can your staff handle the most simple of chores like emptying non-hazardous materials and basic sweeping-up?
  • Consider asking for a special introductory rate or a discount if you are going to sign a long-term contract with a single cleaning company. It is definitely worth asking as it is a competitive field and companies want your business.

Read More About

Desert Oasis Cleaning Services Offers Medical Office Cleaning in Phoenix & Through The Valley.

To schedule medical office cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the medical office, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Price
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Prices

The average price of commercial carpet cleaning is $0.17 per square foot. Commercial carpet cleaning prices range from $0.15 per square foot to $0.20 per square foot in the US for 2019 according to

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Services

Commercial carpet cleaning sometimes may need special attention. Different types of equipment might be required to be used when cleaning larger areas of the carpet. This is the reason professional carpet cleaning companies offer services that are designed specifically for commercial carpet cleaning.  This assures they can provide proficient results. What are commercial carpet cleaning prices and rates?

Daily foot traffic brings dirt and allergens to your carpets collecting dust, mud, sand, bacteria, etc. It is hazardous to leave your carpets uncleaned for long periods of time. This could create an unhealthy work environment while dust and dirt settle into the carpets. This is the reason why using the services of a professional carpet cleaning company for your commercial carpets is such a great alternative. You can not only have your carpet cleaned, but it also will be done professionally and effectively. A professional carpet cleaning company can provide you with other cleaning services giving your office the opportunity to reach its cleanliest.

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Method

What is commercial carpet cleaning? First, when you request these services, experts will inspect the condition of your carpet. They examine not only the overall condition of your carpet but also the high traffic areas. This is the perfect time for you to ask them any questions you may have about their cleaning process.

How often should you clean your carpet? The carpet cleaning company representatives can schedule monthly or yearly visits depending on how often the carpet is used. For example, if you have a lot of employees, you may want monthly carpet cleaning. These companies can work around your schedule and can usually come out on weekends.

Most professional carpet cleaning companies offer to come and inspect the condition of your carpet in the days after the appointment. The purpose of this is to ensure that the cleaning services have been done correctly and that your carpet is in its best condition. If stains are still there after the initial cleaning, a second cleaning will be done with a follow-up.

Professional Carpet Cleaning

Carpet cleaning companies usually also offer you other services like green carpet cleaning or even mold removal. Most companies will combine your carpet cleaning with other services allowing you to save money in the long run.

How can you determine the price of commercial carpet cleaning? Different cleaning companies are going to have different prices. Once you get in touch with a professional carpet cleaning company, they can provide you with a free estimate. Getting multiple estimates may take a little time but could save you money in the future. However, the price range of some of the commercial carpet cleaning companies varies at around $0.15 to $0.20 per square foot. For tougher stains, there could be an extra charge between $40-$50 for the stains to be removed. Talk with your carpet cleaner about coupons or discounts as well.  If you schedule regular cleanings, they might offer you a discount.

Desert Oasis Cleaning Offers Commercial Carpet Cleaning in Phoenix

To schedule commercial carpet cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial carpet cleaning services, or to get a free carpet cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 480-720-0907. We also offer tile cleaning services!


Medical Office Cleaning Checklist
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Medical Office Cleaning Checklist

Specialized medical office cleaning can help you rest assured that your patients will feel comfortable and safe at your facility. Covering all the details from floor to ceiling requires the expertise and industry-specific capabilities of a professional medical office cleaner. We put together a medical office cleaning checklist to help outline the most important areas that should be cleaned by a professional medical office cleaning company. Download our Medical Office Cleaning Checklist PDF

Clean Entrances

  • Polish doors
  • Clean entryway floors
  • Clean signage
  • Clean floor mats

Clean Furnishings

  • Clean waiting rooms chairs and couches
  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Professional fabric treatment

Cleaning Surfaces

  • Clean all surfaces
  • Dust all surfaces from top to bottom

Carpet Cleaning

  • Steam clean carpet
  • Vinyl floor cleaning
  • Tile floor cleaning
  • Wood floor cleaning

Bathroom Cleaning

  • Bathroom floor cleaning
  • Bathroom fixture cleaning
  • Bathroom disinfection and sterilization

Air Duct Cleaning

  • Cleaning of air ducts

Exam Room Cleaning

  • Clean tables and underneath them
  • Pulling back lining paper and applying disinfectant
  • Using the right dwell time for disinfectants and cleaners

Sink & Countertop Cleaning

  • Clean sink
  • Clean countertop

Floor Cleaning

  • Properly vacuum floors (if need)
  • Mop with flat mop
  • Use one microfiber flat mop per exam floor.

Medical Office Cleaning Cost Calculator

If you want to see how to price out the costs of medical office cleaning services, this cost calculator from Thumb Shack should help.

Desert Oasis Cleaning Services Offers Medical Office Cleaning in Phoenix

To schedule medical office cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the workplace, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

How Much Does Office Cleaning Cost?
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

How Much Does Office Cleaning Cost? Per Sq. Ft | Month | Hour

  • The average cost of office cleaning is $0.11 per sq ft. for the US in 2019.
  • The average cost of office cleaning is $2,100 per month for the US in 2019.
  • The average cost of office cleaning is $45 per visit for the US in 2019.
  • The average cost of office cleaning is $22.50 per hour for the US in 2019.

Office Cleaning Cost Per Sq. Ft.

You can expect to pay between $0.07-$0.15 per sq. ft. for office cleaning according to Priceisthere.

When considering office cleaning services, you may like to know some of the things the cleaning company considers when they offer you a quote:

  • The total cost of the job.
  • The local cost of living.
  • How much competition there is.
  • Whether you or the yare supplying the cleaning materials.
  • The number of tasks you need completing.

Office Cleaning Cost Per Month

For basic cleaning services, Costhelper suggests you can expect to pay between $100-$200 per month.

The cost escalates with the more work you want doing. For example, a simple vacuuming and daily trash pick up may run from $500 to in excess of $700 per month. Conversely, a larger office in a major metropolitan location mat run between $2,000 to $4,000 per month whereas smaller offices in more rural locations may run from $800-$2,000 per month.

Office Cleaning Cost Per Visit

Cleaning costs for smaller office visits are often charged on a per visit basis. According to Lovetoknow, prices range from $25 to $40 to visit a small office for light vacuuming,  trash emptying, and dusting.

The cost increases to between $40 and $65 per visit if there are 1 to 2 small bathrooms to be cleaned, including floor mopping, replacing paper products, and toilet cleaning.

The cost can also change depending on the time of the day the services are required.

Office Cleaning Cost Per Hour

Hourly costs for office cleaning range from $15 to $30 per hour according to Smallbusiness.

However, the price may vary because let’s say $15 is for labor costs, there may be additional costs for supplies, transportation and so on so it is always important to clarify what you are paying for.

Similarly, when you have special projects beyond the scope of paying for this service by the hour, the hourly company may be able to work with you to come up with a total price for certain jobs you want doing. It is certainly worth doing that.

Office Cleaning Cost Calculator

If you want to see how to price out the costs of office cleaning services, this calculator from Methodcleanbiz should help.

Desert Oasis Cleaning Services Offers Office Cleaning in Phoenix & Through The Valley.

To schedule commercial cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the workplace, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

Types Of Commercial Cleaning service
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Types Of Commercial Cleaning Services

If you are looking for commercial cleaning services, this post should help.

Commercial Cleaning Services

When you have bigger cleaning jobs that do not need to be done on a regular basis, Commercial cleaning services are the ideal solution. Whether you are hiring a company to contract for a few appointments per year or just a one-off project – it helps when you can define the bigger cleaning projects you need accomplished and when, so you can plan your services for commercial cleaning accordingly and hire a company who backs-up their work with a guarantee of satisfaction.

Commercial cleaning company service typically includes the following:

  • Window washing
  • Grout and tile cleaning
  • Power washing
  • Hard surface floor cleaning
  • Upholstery and furniture cleaning
  • Carpet cleaning

Green Cleaning

Do you want a healthier clean with great benefits for your employees, your building and the environment? If so, green cleaning is for you! Reducing the use of harsh chemicals you reduce the serious side effects on human health of volatile organic compounds. With a green clean you will be reducing the number of sick days your employees take, lengthening the lifespan of your carpets and reducing the water bill of the building!

Carpet Cleaning

With their sound dampening qualities, many offices are now filled with wall to wall carpet. They also provide a more comfy space for employees who have to stand for long periods and soften the appearance of a room. Residue remains with a traditional carpet cleaner, shortening the lifespan of a carpet by breaking its intrinsic fibers. Green products, however, do not break down fibers but still offer the same great clean.

Emergency Response Cleaning

At some point, emergencies happen to everyone and they can cause a mess, whether they be medical or caused by a natural disaster. or you could find your office has been broken into and vandalized. However, we can take care of post-emergency clean up with services offered including negative weather-related events, water mitigation, vandalism, graffiti removal and occupant accidents.

Glass Cleaning

Glass offices are indeed beautiful especially when you have a dazzling view from your window, so the last thing you want is the glass getting dirty, covered in fingerprints and other dirt! Luckily we offer a fantastic range of glass cleaning services. We are experts at thorough glass cleaning, streak, and smear-free results will be yours to enjoy until that colleague of yours leaves another big handprint on your beautiful view!

Secure Cleaning

When you have a government facility in need of commercial cleaning it can be tough to find a commercial cleaner with trustworthy staff who can be trusted with potentially classified information and will get the job done for you. We have fully vetted and cleared staff who have had extensive background checks conducted to meet the most stringent of federal guidelines. They also have to possess current clearance status. We also offer our green cleaning, dusting, carpet cleaning, and sanitization to create a fantastic working environment for your employees.

Post-Construction Cleaning

Renovations are exciting times…a new facelift for your building, maybe a new interior as well. Your employees may have to work around construction men or put up with the sound of hammering and suchlike through the say. Once the builders leave, you will still need some clean-up! using a commercial cleaning service is an ideal way to add that brand new gleam to any surfaces that have got dirty or dusty during the process of construction. Construction leaves dust everywhere and they can linger in the air seemingly forever. With a good commercial cleaning company, your business will be up and running quicker and look it’s brand spanking new presentable self in no time!

Desert Oasis Offers Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix!

To schedule commercial cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the workplace, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Warehouse Cleaning Tips

Warehouse Cleaning Tips

If you own a business or manage a warehouse you might be searching for warehouse cleaning tips.  Maintaining a clean warehouse is a main factor in having a high productivity and effective warehouse.It can provide capabilities for moving more product in a smaller time frame, with reduced accidents and safety issue which inspires a higher amount of morale while producing better work conditions for employees.

16 Warehouse Cleaning Tips

The warehouse at your industrial, commercial, or retail location is typically a hive of activity and a storage area for valuable products or raw materials.  Keeping it clean helps employees stay healthy, safe, and products ready for shipping out or customer pickup.  A clean warehouse simply works better, has less accidents, and fewer sick days due to the spread of germs.  Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners has been cleaning warehouses for many years and discovered the best tips to help you keep your warehouse clean including:

1. Use racks and shelving to maximize warehouse space.

No matter if it is a workshop, warehouse, an office, or supermarket, any space is able to benefit from a well-designed shelving and racking layout. The key factor is to increase the ease of accessibility, inventory control, safety and there is an added benefit that a well-designed layout can eliminate the need of relocating to a larger warehouse with efficiently using space in a more optimal method.

2. Keep available space organized using floor labeling

When it comes to organizing a warehouse, floor markings and labels are an approach that is cost-effective. It can be used for marking traffic flow, or route of forklifts.

Designated parking spaces for forklifts not in operation, pallet positions and locations also help avoid product from being placed in locations that are inconvenient or a safety concern.

3. Using barriers for organization and safety

There are many things that a barrier can be used for: keeping staff protected from moving machinery, preventing cosmetic damages to stock, or prevention of blocking certain areas off when not in use. Using a portable expanding scissor barrier can be useful, they are transported easily between locations as needed.

4. Using ergonomic equipment

A company can use ergonomic equipment to regularly meet their objectives while maintain a healthy employee morale. A businesses success often depends on the well-being and health of employees, by using ergonomic equipment within a warehouse, the liability issues are reduced, as well as employee exhaustion and stress. When employees are overworked, it ultimately leads to reduced productivity. A higher productivity level translates into higher quality work, more sales, and reduced amount of mistakes that saves the company money.

5. Store high-volume product by shipping areas

By placing the popular products where they are more accessible and closer to shipping areas they can be retrieved quicker. This will will help keep things organized. They keyword is ABC analysis, and doing your homework is important to keep things efficient.

6. Provide plenty of waste bins, while keeping them regularly dumped

There are many typical materials associated with a warehouse, including bubble wrap, cardboard boxes, paper, plastic wrap, etc. These need to be disposed of properly to avoid accumulated packing materials which create a large mess in a short amount of time (sometimes in just a few hours).

The best warehouses provide recycling and garbage bins throughout the building to help encourage workers to dispose of material properly.

Keep waste cleared regularly to avoid bins overflowing, which leads to additional trash laying around. Garbage bins should be emptied before they are completely filled.

7. Develop a cleaning schedule plan

Cleaning plans should address areas with higher traffic areas, such as docking areas that tend to have accumulated packing materials. After identifying zones with the most clutter, assign priority for cleaning duties on a daily, weekly, or a monthly cleaning.

8. Assign employee and zone responsibility

Each employee should be responsible for their assigned zones. As the majority of employees will specialize in a particular zone, make it a rule that each employee’s zone needs to be cleaned prior to leaving for the day.

These responsibilities can include picking up garbage, sweeping, dusting to washing equipment and floors (within safety standards). Idled moments can be converted into useful labor time by cleaning on slower days.

Create and use a rating sheet to inspect areas, while assigning specific times during the work week or month for employees to clean their assigned zones thoroughly.

9. Recycling

The three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a simplified term that can be implemented and ensures better organization for the company. When running a ‘green’ warehouse, the simplicity of the system is that the majority of items are recyclable.

  • Reduce: Keep garbage and clutter cleaned, so no unnecessary materials are accumulated.
  • Reuse: Over half of pallets get tossed out after a single use. Getting in a habit of reusing resources can be an extremely sustainable action for the environment, even in small amounts.
  • Recycle: The majority of wood, paper, metal, iron, steel, and glass can be recycled.

10. Reviewing and evaluating your design

It does not matter how organized your warehouse might be, if a company’s sales increase yearly, eventually a new warehouse design layout will be required, even an entire new warehouse may be required. Because the warehouse space requirements naturally change over time, it is greatly recommended that warehouse designs are re-evaluated every 3 to 5 years, depending on how company sales increases.

11. Clean as You Work

Developing a “clean as you work” cleaning program will help relieve some of the cleaning duties needed after dirty work. If your machine creates a lot of shavings, or your work results in wasted packaging material at individual stations, have employees clean those areas before the task is considered complete. If work results in wood chips on the floor, have the employee who created them clean that zone.

12. Quick Spill Clean Up

Spill can be one of the most dangerous in your warehouse.  Whether it’s a spilled drink, a product, cleaning supply, or raw liquid material quick spill clean up is a key to a clean and safe warehouse.  Having your team ready with clean up supplies such as mops, paper towels, and safety equipment is important.  For any dangerous, corrosive, or hazardous liquids goggles, gloves, and other safety equipment should be readily available.  When spills happen quick clean up is a must and deep cleaning should be done to remove any residue by your cleaning company or janitor.

13. Turn Inventory Regularly

If you have stock that simply doesn’t move it will collect dust.  As employees work in the area dust will get stirred up and cause you to need to clean more often.  It’s important even for non perishable items to get rotated out as new stock comes in.  Get the older stock turned to the front as new shipments come in to make sure the dusty boxes or containers make it out of your warehouse and don’t increase cleaning activities.  It will also help keep your employees healthier when there isn’t excessive dust in your warehouse.

14. Restroom Cleaning

All warehouses need restrooms for employees and office staff.  Many other warehouses are also places where will calls are and customers may come to visit.  No matter who is at your location on a regular basis bathroom cleaning should be a priority.  In addition to just making it nicer to work at a location bathroom cleaning is pivotal in preventing the spread of viruses and germs.  Property owners can do the cleaning themselves, hire a janitor, or simply allow their commercial cleaning company to come in on a regular basis to take care of the cleaning.

15. Breakroom Cleaning

Another important area for cleaning is if you have a breakroom or kitchenette.  The sink, countertop, microwave, tables, and chairs in your breakroom get dirty quickly.  If messes are left people’s food can get contaminated from germs left in the kitchen.  In addition, messes that are left on tables and chairs can end up staining people’s clothing.  This sends them back to work looking disheveled and unkempt.   Lite cleaning by each employee as they use the breakroom is a must, but a deep cleaning that disinfects surfaces will help avoid the spread of germs.

16. Warehouse Office Cleaning

Your company likely has a warehouse managers office, HR offices, and other staff that might be in or near the warehouse.  It is important to also keep these areas clean to help staff stay healthy and areas presentable.  Messy offices do not present the authority of managers properly and will undermine the respect that employees sense is deserved.  Commercial cleaning services for warehouses will keep the office areas of your business clean and ready to take care of business.  Best of all if you’ve got unexpected visitors from partners, suppliers, vendors, or others your office areas will always be ready to welcome people in proudly.

How To Reduce Dust In A Warehouse

The largest contributors to dust in warehouses is wood and cardboard dust.  However, forklifts also add to the dust and diminished indoor air quality in your warehouse.  Better use and maintenance of forklifts can help maintain healthier conditions for your workers.  In addition, some warehouses are outfitted with microfog systems which help remove particulates from the air.

Reduce Airborne Dust Levels

The best way to control dust in your warehouse is to sweep and clean your floors regularly.  Warehouses are typically large areas which would take a long time to sweep with a broom.  Electronic floor sweepers cut the job down significantly and helps keep the time needed to maintain dust levels reasonable.  In addition, forklifts can be outfitted with barriers which help prevent dust from being sucked upwards and made airborne.

Test Forklift Emissions

Forklifts have exhaust just like vehicles and should be maintained so they are not unduly contributing to your indoor dust problem.  While this isn’t the largest contributor to dust in warehouses it is a consideration and should be monitored.

New Forklift Tires

Older forklift tires leave black marks on your floors and add to your indoor dust problem in your warehouse.  Options for improved higher quality black tires for tires made from silica help reduce dust in your warehouse.  Cheap tires wear out faster and contribute more dust in your warehouse.

Minimize Forklift Tire Wear

Another way dust can be reduced in your warehouse is to train forklift drivers to drive more conservatively and improve your floor conditions.  Hard turns, rapid acceleration, and over weight loads all contribute to tire wear and dust.  In addition, potholes, large cracks, and rough patches in areas your forklifts drive will eat at their tires and contribute to dust.  To reduce dust drive more conservatively and consider having your floors resurfaced or epoxy floor coatings added.

Why Is Cleaning Warehouses Important?

There are 3 main reasons cleaning warehouses is important.  It instills a greater level of pride by being presentable, cleaning makes it safer, and it can improve efficiency.   Read more about each reason keeping your warehouse clean matters.

Pride in Presentation

The warehouse can be a place in your organization that sometimes is out of sight, out of mind.  This allows employees to be lax in keeping their work area clean and even affect they way they present themselves.  A clean warehouse with shelves dusted, clean floors, and tidy terminals helps staff maintain respect for their surroundings and their job.

Clean Warehouses Are Safer

Whether it’s chunks of cardboard, oil slicks, or piles of torn shrink wrap debris on the warehouse floor poses safety risks.  Staff can be carrying items and slip and fall and some warehouse machines need a clean and safe floor to operate.  A stock picker or forklift is a serious liability if they get out of control or hook onto debris that pulls products or raw materials off shelves.

Improved Warehouse Efficiency

While a clean floor is a safe work habit it also impacts efficiency if there’s garbage all over the place.  As products or raw materials are unpacked, or wrapped to ship, there’s usually some waste.  Having habits that immediately clean this waste up keeps employees safe and focused on the task at hand.

Lower Accident Risk With A Clean Warehouse

A warehouse that is dirty or disorganized results in higher risk of accidents, being less efficient and employees tend to adopt attitudes with les care and lower morale regarding the work area, with an end result that affects their efficiency, accuracy, and overall performance. Furthermore, dirt leads to equipment and machines having malfunctions, costing both time and money to repair. Packing materials incorrectly discarded, such as plastic wrap and pallets can become obstacles for a forklift or tripping hazards. To avoid these, people and forklift drivers may attempt to avoid them by driving or walking into areas they should not, or simply run the obstacles over leading to damaged machinery or product.

It is important that warehouses provide clean and open aisles without obstructions, so people can safely move, including heavy equipment and inventory transportation. Also, warehouses should not be moldy or dusty for the respiratory health of workers.

Schedule Warehouse Cleaning Services

Your company and warehouse are hives of activity and in busy warehouses trying to have warehouse workers keep up with cleaning duties is many times impractical.  Warehouses need to be kept clean and be professionally sanitized to help remove bacteria and germs to keep your employees healthy and productive.  Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners provides detailed and reliable warehouse cleaning services to the businesses of the Phoenix, Arizona Valley.  If your warehouse in Phoenix could use some help on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis give a call for a free warehouse cleaning quote. Download the Warehouse Cleaning Tips PDF so you can take these tips with you.

Call Today – (480) 720-0907

Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

6 Advantages Of Commercial Cleaning For Your Restaurant In Mesa

6 Advantages Of Commercial Cleaning For Your Restaurant In Mesa

If you’re searching for Mesa Restaurant Cleaning you’re likely an owner or manager of a busy restaurant.  Running a successful restaurant starts with the best food and service and ends with a bit of a mess after an evening of service.  Keeping your service and kitchen staff around late to clean adds up to overtime.  Restaurant employees are also tired after full shifts of service and might be tempted to skip areas or rush.

Commercial cleaning companies that offer restaurant cleaning services come in fresh at the end of a night with only one job, to get you ready for the next day of service!  This means your hard working service kitchen staff can head home after their shifts and rest to be ready for the next day while your cleaning company mops up, cleans up, empties garbage, and gets your restaurant clean.

The Advantages Of Commercial Restaurant Cleaning

Restaurant owners that decide to hire commercial cleaning companies understand the advantages.  There are a 6 main advantages of hiring a commercial cleaning to do your cleaning.  Read below to appreciate just how much it will help to have your restaurant cleaned by our team.

Fresh For The Fight

Clearly one of the top advantages of hiring a commercial cleaning company for your restaurant is that the cleaning is done by a fresh team of professional cleaners.  There is no post shift lollygaging or slacking from tired restaurant employees.  This helps avoid skipping cleaning tasks or rushing them.  All restaurant owners and managers know just how quickly reputations can be destroyed by not sanitizing correctly or having a dirty location.

Avoid Overtime Spending

If you have your restaurant staff working an 8 hour shift that ends with another hour or more of cleaning it can add up quickly.  Keeping your budget tight will help invest in new equipment and ensure a healthier bottom line.  Paying your restaurant staff overtime to clean is typically more expensive than commercial cleaning services

A Cleaner Clean

Servers, hostesses, busy boys, and kitchen staff aren’t professional cleaners by trade.  While they can be trained it isn’t likely what they’re passionate about or hired to do.  Our cleaners are hired to clean, that’s it.  They are trained to the highest standards and ensure that every surface is sanitized and has a gleaming clean.

Preserves Equipment Condition

The equipment in your restaurant and kitchen are investments that should last as long as possible.  To preserve the condition of expensive restaurant equipment it is important that everything is cleaned on a regular basis.  This will help your refrigerators, freezers, microwaves, and other restaurant equipment last as long as possible.

Hard To Reach Cleaning

It is difficult to clean behind or under heavy equipment in your kitchen, under tables, and other hard to reach areas.  Commercial cleaning services go the extra mile to ensure that these areas are identified and added to regular cleaning checklists.  This makes sure that every inch of your restaurant and kitchen are kept clean and sanitized.  This includes coils on fridges, the dumpster areas, and high up areas that are hard to reach.

Thorough Cleaning

Commercial cleaning is done by people who just clean.  Our teams take the time to methodically work through checklists that are tailored to each location.  Every single surface, table, floor, wall, window, countertop, and handle will get sanitized.  Preventing the spread of germs is one of the main focuses of regular cleaning and can help your employees and customers avoid getting sick in your restaurant.

Restaurant Cleaning in Mesa

When you’re ready to enjoy the peace of mind that your restaurant is professionally and thoroughly cleaned each evening Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners is ready to help!  We are a local family owned and operated cleaning company serving the entire valley.

We offer free commercial cleaning quotes where we visit your commercial property and detail what needs cleaning and the schedule that will work for your budget and location.

Schedule A Free Restaurant Cleaning Consultation in Mesa Today – (480) 720-0907

Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

How Often Do I Need Commercial Window Cleaning?

How Often Do I Need Commercial Window Cleaning?

When our customers in the Phoenix Valley ask how often they need commercial window cleaning, the answer is always the same, “it depends”.  While it would be nice to have a one-size-fits-all answer difference businesses in different locations need window cleaning more often than others.

The windows on your business many times make up a large percentage of the exterior of your building.  While stone, brick, and stucco don’t show dirt verily easily, windows do.  Your visitors, patients, and customers develop a first impression of your facility for better or worse as they arrive.  This is why it is important to keep your windows clean.  There are some buildings and windows that get more dirty more quickly than others, which means having more frequent pro window cleaning.

Factors Affecting Window Cleaning Frequency

The frequency of storms is an obvious factor that affects how often you will need to have commercial window cleaning, but it isn’t the only factor.  Landscaping near your building, where your building is, and the shape of your building all have an impact on how quickly your windows get dirty, and need to be cleaned.


The trees, shrubs, and plants in your landscape add incredible value to your location’s appearance, but it comes with increased debris, pollen, and sap being blown around.  Depending on how close these trees are to your building will impact how much of the sap and debris gets blown against your windows.  Mulched areas around your location will also affect debris that gets blown up and will get your windows dirty.  In the Phoenix Valley dust and sand are also a common type of debris that gets blown against windows and makes them dirty faster.


Certain types of architectural elements will collect more dirt than others.  A unique structure and building gets your customer’s attention and helps your brand and building stand out.  But things like inset windows and other unique elements will collect grime and dirt more quickly that flat surfaces.  If your building has these elements more frequent window cleaning might be necessary.


The amount of traffic around your building also has an effect on how quickly your windows will need to be cleaned.  This is due in part to exhaust from vehicles but also the dirt and dust kicked up by busy roads.  Business has always been said to be about location, location, location.  It is best for most businesses to be in high traffic areas to appeal to the maximum number of potential customers, but also requires more frequent window cleaning.


Rain and wind storms have an effect on how often you will need window cleaning.  If it has rained you will have water spots and in Phoenix you will also have dust and sand on your windows.  We’ve all jumped in our cars after a storm and seen how much dirt is washed off when we run the wipers.  The same dirt, dust, and water spots is on your commercial property’s windows.  While you can’t just run your building through a car wash, you can have professional window cleaning to restore your building’s gleaming appearance.

Window Cleaning Frequency By Business Type

Another factor that affects how often you should have windows cleaned is the type of business you run.  Here are some basic guidelines for common types of businesses and general idea of how often they should have windows cleaned.

Retail Store Window Cleaning

Retail stores are typically 1 story structures with windows welcoming consumers in.  Customers might like to do a little window shopping, but not through dirty grimy windows.  Retail stores rely on exciting and enticing window displays to bring customers in and should keep windows clean to create the right impression and foot traffic.  This means at an absolute minimum retail stores should have monthly window cleaning.  If your retail store is in an outdoor complex with misters to keep customers cool this frequency is higher due to increased moisture being blown against your windows.

Restaurant Window Cleaning

Cooking releases steam, moisture, and grease into the air which gets deposited on windows.  Attracting patrons is easier when they can see clearly into your restaurant.  They’ll see the happy diners sitting enjoying your food, instead of grime on your windows.  With the moisture in the air and standards for cleanliness in restaurants window cleaning should be performed every 2 weeks, both inside and out.  For restaurants that specialize in family dining and have a lot of children window cleaning may need to be done much more frequently.  Sticky little hand prints are common in these restaurants and detract from the appearance of your location.

Office Building Window Cleaning

Most office buildings don’t need to be cleaned as often as retail stores or restaurants.  Full cleaning still needs to be done to keep occupants happy and your building looking as good as it should.  This means that a full cleaning both in and out should be done every 6 months. High traffic areas like lobbies should be cleaned more often as they are your “welcome mat” to your guests.  Lobbies and common gathering areas should be done once every month or two.  If you’re running an industrial facility which causes a lot of dust and debris to get kicked into the air, you will need more frequent window cleaning to maintain your appearance.

Phoenix Valley Commercial Window Cleaning

If you own or manage a commercial property keeping the windows clean is a priority.  Most of us have driven by a building that’s being neglected and has unkempt landscaping, trash filled parking lots, and dusty, dirty windows.  These places usually give us the impression that business isn’t good, or the location is simply abandoned. That’s simply not a message you want any potential customer to get when passing by.

Our teams are committed to providing reliable and consistent high standard window cleaning.  Give us a call today and we will visit your facility and help you develop a window cleaning schedule that fits your needs, type of business, and location.

Call Today For A Free Commercial Window Cleaning Quote – 480-720-0907

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