TV Screen Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

TV Screen Cleaning

Flat screen televisions are now a staple in many offices. Not just for watching tv but for communicating company information, perhaps as part of a larger informative display for potential or existing customers. To look their best they need regular cleaning. Unlike traditional CRT televisions that can be cleaned with almost any glass cleaner, flat screens, particularly those with touch display capabilities are far more sensitive and prone to damage as well as being easy to scratch during the cleaning process. Read on to learn more about the best ways to keep your flat screen TV’s looking their best.

Cleaning A Flat Screen TV

  1. Switch the TV off an dremember it will be easier to spot oily or dirty areas when the screen is dark and it has the advantage of you not accidentally pushing buttons or triggering the touch screen functions.
  2. Take a soft, dry cloth and very carefully clean the screen utilizing a microfiber cloth. You can also use a dry eraser. Both are awesome choices.
  3. Do not make the error of pressing harder to remove oil and dirt. When you push directly on to the screen pixels can be damaged. Note this is not so much of an issue with touch screen monitors but it will pay to be prudent.
  4. You can take the cloth and make it damp with an equal ratio of distilled water and white vinegar.
  5. Surrounding the screen is a plastic edge and that can be cleaned with brand of multipurpose cleaner but ensure the cleaner does not come into contact with the TV screen.

Further Guidance

  • Do not use toilet paper, tisue paper, paper towels, your shirt or rags to clean the TV screen as the display can be damaged.
  • Do not use products containing alcohol, acetone, ammonia or ethyl acetate. These chemicals can react badly with the flat screen and cause permanent damage to the unit.
  • Do not spray liquid directly onto the screen as it may damage the TV if the liquid leaks into the TV. Be sure to always apply the cleaning solution to the cloth.
  • If you’re cleaning your TV because it appears dirty, but then find discover the  TV is physically damaged, you might be ready for a new HDTV.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Commercial Office Cleaning in Phoenix and Surrounding Areas

To schedule your office cleaning services, including medical office cleaning in Phoenix and Scottsdale, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are important your business – that’s why you need the professionals at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Procedures
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Procedures

Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners proudly offers commercial restaurant cleaning and commercial kitchen cleaning services and they customize their service to meet the exacting needs of your restaurant or business. Read on to learn more about how to clean a commercial kitchen so it compliments the job the professionals at Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners perform. In the following link, we also included a restaurant cleaning checklist you will find helpful!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state more than half of all foodborne health outbreaks originate in restaurants and this is something everyone who runs a restaurant, corporate kitchen or hotel should be very aware of. The best way of curtailing the spread of airborne illnesses is to ensure your kitchen is always in a fully sanitary condition.

Cleansing Hard Surfaces And Countertops

If you are looking for prime real estate for bacteria growth, look no further than your countertops and other hard surfaces. They should be cleaned at a minimum of twice per day especially as they are very often used for food preparation. Take everything down or off from the surfaces and then use a soft cloth to wipe everything down and apply a disinfectant spray by spraying about ten inches or so from the surface of the countertop and/or hard surface. Then let the area naturally dry out before replacing the items you originally removed from the surface. There are circumstances when you will have to take some further steps. This includes removing spilled beverages and dried up food. You can achieve both with the use of a soft brush and warm soapy water to scrub the hard surface or countertop. Another consideration is when you are cleaning tile surfaces, use specially formulated tile-based disinfectants as they best remove grime and bacteria from grouting work.

Cleansing Commercial Equipment And Appliances

Regular cleaning is of course absolutely essential as part of regular maintenance of commercial appliances and commercial equipment. It is not just the major equipment and appliances in need of attention. Do not forget to attend to the smaller pieces of gear such as toasters, microwaves and coffee makers. Deep cleanings should be performed on a weekly and monthly basis ensuring the equipment stays in the best condition possible. Here are some items to consider:

  • Refrigeration units – It is vital every two to three months to stake a brush with stiffened bristles and clean the condenser units and the vacuum ensuring grime and dust has been correctly removed. Another important aspect is to regularly clean and empty the drain tubs and pans as this will remove the buildup of sludge.
  • Ovens and ranges – As part of regular weekly maintenance, be sure to wipe down the walls, racks, and doors of your ranges and ovens.
  • Grills – After each use, be certain to brush away grime and ash from your grates when they have been used. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to soak these items in a mixture of warm and soapy water in order the grease breaks up
  • Fryers – Once or twice per week, boil out your fryer.
  • Burners, flattops, and cooktops – Use warm and soapy water or a disinfectant spray to scrub down these services and parts.

Cleansing Sinks

Dishes, ingredients, and utensils are cleaned regularly (maybe several times per day) at your washing stations. This emphasizes how crucial it is to make sure that area or areas remain spotlessly clean. At the conclusion of every business day, wipe the backsplash and sink with a disinfectant spray. Furthermore, you are going to want to prevent the build-up of lime and scale by using a de-lime process on your sprayers, faucets and commercial sinks each and every week. Undoubtedly, commercial kitchens use a great deal of grease and oil and this means they can, over time, cause clogging of the pipes and drains.

Cleansing Vents And Exhaust Hoods

When airflow is being restricted in the kitchen, a likely culprit is an excess of grime and grease in the exhaust hoods and vents. Every few months you will need to wash out the vent hoods and you will need to do it more often than that if you are utilizing a deep fryer on a daily basis. Do not forget the filters need to be cleaned and do so by following the instructions provided in the service manual of the unit you are cleaning. When you perform an inspection on the filters look for tears and rips if you discover some, the filters need to be replaced without delay.

Cleansing Walls, Ceilings, And Kitchen Fans

Walls and ceilings can be cleaned on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on the number of food particles and grease that attach themselves.

  • You should always wipe down the occasional splatters from ceilings and walls. remember blemishes and bad odors can often be caused by airborne steam and grease. By using a professional-grade degreaser or appropriate cleaning solution you can use a soft bristle brush or a washcloth to scrub away any outstanding build-up.
  • Foot traffic adds to the mess already caused by spills and food on your floor. At the end of each day, clean the floor very thoroughly by sweeping or vacuuming the remove hard dirt and dust. Then grab a mop and clean the floor with a combination of vinegar, or alternatively a heavy-duty cleaning solution, always mixed with warm water. A mop is still the best option to use as it has the great advantage of being able to reach confined spaces with ease.

Cleansing Storage Areas

Twice per year, all of your storage solutions should have a wholesale cleaning performed. This should be all-inclusive taking into account shelving units, racks, cabinets, and pantries. When everything has been removed from each location, remove crumbs, dust, and other miscellaneous debris with a microfiber cloth or by using an attachment from a vacuum. Next, scrub down any stains or grease from all the surfaces using a cleaner and soft bristle brush. It is often a good idea to use a formula of warmer water and vinegar or soap to achieve this.

Customized Restaurant Cleaning Services In Phoenix

If you have a restaurant you need to keep it clean not only for the health inspector but for the impression it gives your patrons.  Desert Oasis Commercial Cleaners offers the highest quality restaurant cleaning services and restaurant kitchen cleaning services with customized and detailed restaurant cleaning checklists.  Give us a call for a free restaurant cleaning consultation to see how we can help you keep your restaurant clean and ready for business!

Call Today – (480) 720-0907

Gym Cleaning Ideas
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Gym Cleanliness Standards

Obviously a gym is a wet and damp environment where perspiration helps to create an indeal environment for mold, mildew, bacteria, germs and viruses. As a gym owner, you can make sure your premises reach the highest levels of cleanliness. Read on to learn more!

Germs Frequently Found In Gyms

  • Dermatophytosis – a fungal infection of the skin also known as atheletes foot when it is located there and commonly referred to as tinea, jock itch and ringworm
  • Influenza – an airborne virus that multiples when it reaches the human respiratory tract having first been inhaled
  • Staphylococcus saprophyticus – bacteria that is a frequent cause of infections of the urinary tract
  • Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph) – a common bacterium that causing a wide range of maladies that lives on human skin
  • Salmonella – an illness that is gastrointestinal in nature whose symptoms include diarrhea, fever and vomiting
  • Rhinoviruses – viruses that cause many types of respitory infections as well as common colds

Gym Hygiene By The Numbers

Studies reported by the Australian Broadcast Company in 2016 showed:

  • Free weights contained 362 tiems more germs than an average toilet seat
  • Compared to public bathrooms, treadmilles had 74 times more bacteria on its surface
  • Compared to a tray from a food court, an exercise bike had 39 times more bacteria on its surface

In 2013 guide to health club cleanliness, the following statistics came to light:

  • 56% of gym members expect their gyms to be germ free environments
  • Gyms spending 4% of their total budget on housekeeping made greater profit and had less customer attrition than those who only allocated 3% of their total budget to housekeeping
  • Satisfaction ratings dropped 40 percent (83% to 43%) when the gym had a customer perception of being unclean nd retention rates fell over 40 percent as well from 90% to 52%.

Hygiene Regulations

Unlike resturants there are no legal and enforceable government standards but many gyms abide by the notion their service standards must protect the health of the customer and a regular cleaning schedule is part of that.

Hygiene For Gym Owners

  • If you’re building a new gym from the ground up or remodelling an existing building, try and incorporate elements in the design that will contribute to cleanliness and overall health. For example, you could include a high-filtration vacuum system to remove dirt and germs on floors and hard surfaces and a shower room with good drainage to deter bacteria and fungi. Good ventilation is also important for reducing moisture and damp.
  • Create a cleaning schedule and adhere to it strictly. Hourly cleaning tasks could include checking for rubbish, spot cleaning equipment and making sure towels and coverings are being utilised. Daily tasks might include vacuuming, wiping down and disinfecting equipment and cleaning showers, toilets and changing rooms. Weekly tasks could include checking for wear and tear in seats and coverings, checking fixtures and fittings and mopping and scrubbing floors and deep cleaning carpets.
  • Educate your staff (and particularly your cleaning staff) about the importance of ultra-cleanliness. Show them the correct way to clean and maintain gym equipment and make sure they know about and pay particular attention to hot spots where bacteria, viruses, and fungi can accumulate, such as door handles, mats and hand weights.
  • Educate your customers as well. Make it known that your gym is a clean and healthy facility and post signs requesting that patrons make use of the hand sanitiser and use the wipes provided to wipe down equipment after use.
  • Pay particular attention to showers and locker rooms in your daily cleaning schedule. This is where steam creates the damp environment that germs, mould and bacteria love. If possible, install a ventilation or dehumidifying system that will dissipate steam and keep the air relatively dry.
  • Have the right cleaning equipment. Use hospital-grade cleaners containing at least 10% bleach, but ensure they are not corrosive on metal or sprayed or wiped too close to sensitive electronic components in your gym equipment. If you have large hardwood courts and open floor spaces, consider purchasing heavy duty polishers and scrubbers to make you’re cleaning as cost-effective as possible.


Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Gym Cleaning Services in Phoenix & Throughout The Valley.

To schedule gym cleaning or commercial cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the workplace, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

Commercial Cleaning vs Residential Cleaning
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

What is Commercial Cleaning?

We all have to clean every day in our lives, be it at home or at work. To understand what commercial cleaning actually is, it is most helpful to compare and contrast it to residential cleaning. Read on to learn more about commercial cleaning, how it differs from residential cleaning and how using the services of commercial cleaning services like Desert Oasis Cleaners can benefit your business and create a more productive work environment for you, your employees and your customers.

A lot of residential cleaning business owners want to expand into commercial cleaning but don’t think about just how different it is from their main business. The thinking is that cleaning is cleaning, whether it be a home or office. This approach is the reason that residential cleaning companies trying to expand into commercial cleaning can falter and fail from the start.

So how is commercial cleaning different from residential cleaning?  Here are 10 things to consider before diversifying into commercial cleaning.

  1. Residential cleaning is done during daytime hours and most commercial cleaning is usually done in the evenings, late at night and on weekends so it’s usually a good idea to have two separate crews. This will require hiring more cleaners, team leaders and/or promoting your current employees to supervise the commercial cleaning crew. You might find hiring for your commercial crew more challenging in comparison to your residential cleaners because people are more willing to work during the day as opposed to evenings, nights, or weekend work.
  2. Your current cleaning staff will have to be retrained if they will be working the commercial cleaning crew also. Since residential cleaning is a lot more detailed than that of commercial cleaning, your commercial crew will need to clean much more quickly and with less focus on detail and more attention on completing the required cleaning requirements of the facility.
  3. Residential cleaning is completed in the client’s personal space instead of their workspace. Because you are touching their personal effect’s they tend to be more sensitive and “picky” than commercial cleaning clients. They are typically more demanding of the small details (i.e. how you place the pillows on their bed and couch, how you fold or hang the towels, how you replace items you pick up to dust, etc.). Commercial cleaning clients are more interested with ensuring you complete the cleaning specifications agreed to on their contract.
  4. When residential clients are in their home while you are cleaning, they have inclination to watch your every move. They want you to be on time and might watch the clock to see how long it takes for you to clean. Commercial clients are not keeping an eye on the clock to make sure you arrived on time (if they are even on site when you get there). They might, however, leave “traps” to make ensure your employees are thoroughly cleaning.
  5. Residential cleaners have more interaction with their client’s, so you want to hire employees who have excellent communication skills, are personable, and are well groomed. Even though these are qualities you want to have in ALL your employees, commercial cleaners typically clean at night, after the building occupants have gone home for the day, so there is usually less interaction.
  6. You will have to wait to get paid with commercial cleaning so expect a decrease incoming cash. Residential cleaning companies are typically paid the day the service is completed. Commercial cleaning companies are normally under contract with terms of payment. This requires an invoice be issued every month to the customer and results in a longer time period to receive payment. In addition, a lot of commercial cleaning companies are now invoicing prior to providing cleaning services versus invoicing at the end of the month for that month’s cleaning services.
  7. Pricing and profit margins are different. In commercial cleaning, the bigger the account, the lower the profit margin. In addition, cleaning supplies, chemicals, and equipment costs are higher with commercial cleaning accounts which leads to decreased profit margins per client. However, the bigger accounts may be easier managed and the lower profit margin can be made up in volume.
  8. Production rates will differ from residential vs. commercial. The average production rate for residential is usually 700-1,000 sq. ft. vs. commercial which can range from around 2,500 to 4,000 sq. ft. per hour or more. Commercial pricing is more time consuming also. Commercial clients usually require a bidding process, a building walk through and a contract drawn up to include the list of cleaning specifications, terms and conditions of payment, signatures and references.
  9. Marketing is different since residential cleaning is “business to consumer” and commercial cleaning is usually “business to business”. Also, there are a lot more potential residential opportunities out there than commercial businesses so there will be more competition for commercial cleaning accounts.
  10. You may have to alter or change your current residential cleaning company name or create an entirely new one. Your company name needs to fit the services you are offering. You will find it extremely hard to lure new commercial cleaning customers with the name: We Clean Maid Services. Use a name that will be marketable to both residential and commercial clients.

As you can see, there are a lot of differences between residential cleaning and commercial cleaning. If you are thinking about braching out into commercial cleaning, start making a list of advantages and disadvantages in order to determine if this is the right thing to do for your business.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Provides Commercial Cleaning In Phoenix

Desert Oasis Cleaners is an commercial cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona offering a full list of commercial cleaning services including industrial floor cleaning, warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning, cleanroom cleaning, industrial breakrooms & bathrooms. We also help with industrial cleaning in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Tempe, or anywhere in the Phoenix Valley.

To get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

How To Clean Fabric Wall Panels
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

How To Clean Fabric Wall Panels

In nearly every office there are cubicles and more often than not they have fabric covered walls. However, as they are fabric, they just cannot be wiped down to make them clean. Read on to learn more about the special care cubicle walls require to keep them clean and free of germs.

Good Reasons For Cleaning Cubicle Walls

  • Dust is trapepd by fabric cubicle walls as a by-product of dust mites. Airborne debris, other irritants and dirt are also attracted to them. So, mregular cleaning helps to prevent the spread of dust mites.
  • Allergens are reduced as dust likes to lay in wait in the fabric of youe cubicle. Regualr vacuuming with a HEPA filter will improve the air quality of your workplace and control the allergens in your fabric panels.
  • Unsightly stains can be removed with a thorough deep cleaning that will keep the walls of your cubicle looking fantastic for other coworkers or visitors.

Cleaning Cubicle Walls

  • Remove all the items attached to the wall prior to cleaning.
  • You can access the wall more easily by moving any furniture blocking the way.
  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter and reduce allergens like pollen and dust as well as removing particulates, dust and dirt.
  • Pre-treat the stains utilizing a spot cleaner making sure the cleaner does not fade the fabriccolor or cause other damage.
  • Clean the cubicle walls with a mixture of a ¼ cup of liquid detergent and 1 quart of warm water. Mix so it becomes sudsy. Dip a soft-bristle scrub brush into the suds (not the soapy water) and then apply the brush to the fabric panel. Gently scrub the panel in a circular motion, working from the top to the bottom of the wall.
  • Remove the suds with a wet, clean towel.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Commercial Office Cleaning in Phoenix and Surrounding Areas

To schedule your office cleaning services, including medical office cleaning in Phoenix and Scottsdale, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Terminal Cleaning Procedures
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Terminal Cleaning Procedures

The spread of disease and ingections are always a great concern within healthcare environments like hospitals and clinics. So, it is very important the cleaning company you hire knows the differences in how they should clean different areas of your medical facility. The methods and materials used in the cleaning of examination rooms may not be suitable for other rooms like isolation rooms or operating rooms. However, if the cleaning crew work within the parameters of already established safety standards it can help to ensure the facility is not only clean but also safe and comfortable for everyone.

Disinfecting, Cleaning and Sanitizing

It is vital the cleaning crew knows the difference between disinfecting, cleaning and sanitizing. Let’s define these terms:

  • Disinfecting: To differing degrees, disinfectants that are hospital grade are intended to eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi and agents that are infectious. The level of disinfection needed should be dictated by the type of services that are performed and the practice of the individual facility.
  • Cleaning: Cleaning removes organic substances, debris and other visible soil from objects and surfaces. Detergent or soap with water is utilized to wipe and scrub down surfaces that remove germs. Not all pathogens may be killed but the germ population will be reduced and this mens the risk of infection is lowered.
  • Sanitizing: Correct sanitation processes will lower and reduce bacteria to a safe level. However sanitizing does not elimnate all viruses.

Exam Room Cleaning

Often the most traveled part of the facility, the exam room has a large amount of patients walking through the doors each and every day. The cleaning crew needs to make sure the doorknobs and railings are comprehensively wiped down using a disinfectant cleaner. The same goes for other high-touch areas such as chairs and tables. Special disinfectant designed for hospitals will not leave a residue and more often than not will not require further rinsing or wiping.

Terminal Cleaning Of Isolation and Operating Rooms

When a patient is in the operating room, they are the most vulnerable to infection as they undergo their procedure. Convsesely, isolation rooms are for currently infectious patients who need to be isolated from others. Terminal cleaning is a special process whereby pathogens are completely eliminated from the environment for the sake of everyones safety. Terminal cleaning, therefore, is an intense procedure of disinfecting. it involves the removal of every detachable item for disinfection as well as air ducts, light fittings and surfaces from the ceiling to the floor.

Getting The Best Value For Money

With medical office cleaning, it is never worth sacrificing top-notch service to save a few dollars. Nonetheless, you want to ensure you are getting a square deal. So consider this when you shop around:

  • Get quotes from multiple services to ascertain what you will be paying for. The lowest price does not always equal the best service or the best deal. With experience comes additional cost, but most people find the investment worth it.
  • Decide what jobs can be tackled to a professional level by your current staff. Can your staff handle the most simple of chores like emptying non-hazardous materials and basic sweeping-up?
  • Consider asking for a special introductory rate or a discount if you are going to sign a long-term contract with a single cleaning company. It is definitely worth asking as it is a competitive field and companies want your business.

Read More About

Desert Oasis Cleaning Services Offers Medical Office Cleaning in Phoenix & Through The Valley.

To schedule medical office cleaning services in Phoenix, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free industrial commercial cleaning services quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

Our quality cleaning materials and experience mean we clean to a higher standard, which leads to better indoor air quality, fewer allergens and lower levels of bacteria creeping around the medical office, just waiting to infect your workforce or cause an accident. At Desert Oasis, we clan and sanitize everything, including the places that most other companies overlook.

Cleaning Rules For Employees
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Cleaning Rules For Employees

Although nothing beats having a regular commercial cleaning service, co-workers may need to understand what they can do in helping to keep an office clean and safe. There are always some office messes that will need sorting out when they occur to prevent illness or injury to co-workers. Of course, you also want the office to look presentable to clients and customers. Read on to learn some basic housekeeping tips.

Personal Workspaces

Germs and dirt can spread very easily through offices including at individuals workstations. A recent study of nearly 5,000 surfaces and 3,000 employees discovered computer mouses, keyboards and telephones needed regular housekeeping. They utilized a device to measure levels and presence of adenosine triphosphate, an energy molecule found in food bacteria. You can spread uncleanliness every time your hands touch knobs or handles. It is a good idea to avoid eating messy meals at your workstation and clean up crumbs and spills when you do. Also, wash your hands on a frequent basis.

Shared Workspace Areas

Storage rooms, conference rooms, and office printers are all shared workspaces. Nearly everyone uses these at least a few time every day. You can preserve the health and safety of your co-workers by picking up loosed and dropped papers from the floor. You can also straighten up containers and boxes so other coworkers can find supplies more easily. Remove objects from high shelves that may fall off onto someone’s skull. Keep long extension cords away from walkways and dispose of large storage boxes in an outside dumpster. By keeping organized and clean in the office, productivity can be boosted as well as the performance of employees!

Employee Common Areas

During office hours it a very good idea for employees to take care of minor housekeeping related jobs. For instance, avoid littering restrooms with paper. Everyone in the office should know where there is an ample stock of tissue, papers, and soap. In the kitchen make sure coffee grounds and food debris are not left on counters and that spills are wiped up immediately. Refrigerators that are shared need to be kept clean, organized and expired foods should be removed. Food prep areas need to be cleaned with the purpose of preventing vermin and pests from the office.

Toxic Chemicals And Cleaning Products

Remember co-workers may be sensitive or have allergies to certain cleaning products. So it may be a good idea to ask around the office before purchasing any cleaning products. Gloves are also needed as your skin may be exposed to harsh chemicals. Keep the cleaning bottles in a secure place away from kitchen countertops. Another very important thing is to make sure the bottles are very clearly marked. As always make sure you follow the warning label and the instructions on the bottle.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Commercial Office Cleaning in Phoenix and Surrounding Areas

To schedule your office cleaning services, including medical office cleaning in Phoenix and Scottsdale, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are vital to your business – that’s why you need the experts at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Data Center Best Cleaning Practices
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Data Center – Best Cleaning Practices

Controlling contamination is becoming increasingly important as modern technology makes computer components smaller than ever before. In many ways that is fantastic but it does increase the risk of equipment failing because of contamination. Even in the most studious of environments, everyday grime and dirt can cause overheating, short-circuiting and other numerous issues. Failures related to contamination are a leading cause of downtime meaning millions of dollars is lost in turnover and revenue. Read on to learn what you can do to prevent downtime, packet loss and bit errors caused by contamination.

As a business owner, how clean your office is probably not the first thing you think of on a day to day basis. Having a clean and healthy workspace is essential when it comes to running a successful business. A lot of business owners take only notice of such things when they get totally out of hand.

Despite that, leaving a good impression is associated with your role as an employer, too. In order to keep both clients and employees, you need to put in your best efforts forward to please both sides. This is particularly true when you’re welcoming a possible new employee. What they see in the beginning will form their opinion on their own in the company that they possibly may work for.

Contamination Control In Computer And Data Rooms

It is very important to establish easy to understand and maintain guidelines so all of your visitors and staff can support the goals of contamination prevention. However, an initiative to minimize the prevention of contamination can educate and inform everyone of what activities are suitable for the work environment.

Establish Computer And Data Room Protocols

The following tips can form the nucleus of a practical protocol any employee can follow in the way they work and operate in data and computer rooms. They are easy to follow and implement. You may want to add to or alter some of these to fit your individual needs.

  • No drink or food in the computer or data room
  • Do not use for the computer room for uncrating, unpacking or opening other items. Utilize a designated staging area away from the computer room. This area can be established for the stated purpose of uncrating or unpacking activities
  • Keep products that shed large amounts of contamination away from the computer/data room. Examples would include woods, cardboard, and all other types of paper products
  • Doors should not be propped open when they lead to areas that are not the computer or data rooms
  • Test the protocols on contamination for their impact on the environment – review and approve them before allowing further work to take place in the computer room or data room
  • Ensure the tools and equipment brought into the computer or data rooms that are utilized by vendors, contractors and employees are reasonably contaminant free and kept in clean order

Access To The Computer or Data Room

  • You probably have security procedures in place to limit access to computer and data rooms but consider this: Personnel who are not needed in the area contribute to the levels of contamination even if they do not mean to do so. Contamination is generated from peoples clothing fibers, hair, dead skin and dirt from their shoes
  • Utilizing control mats that limit contamination can help ensure, carpet fibers, dust, and other very small particles are not tracked into the room from, for example, wheels on carts or shoes
  • Contaminated air can be prevented from entering the computer or data room by using positive pressurization

A Designated Computer Or Data Room Cleaning Program

Consider these options to maintain an environment where contamination is minimized:

  • Clean floor surfaces every three months or even more often if needed
  • Clean all environmental services and equipment at least quarterly or even more often if required
  • The underfloor plenum needs cleaning at least once per year and two or more times per year if the plenum is responsible for delivering pressurized air
  • Maintain your newly established schedule for cleaning
  • During other events that produce contamination such as construction increase the frequency of your cleanings

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Data Center Cleaning in Phoenix and Surrounding Areas

To schedule your computer and data room cleaning services, in Phoenix and Scottsdale, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are important your business – that’s why you need the professionals at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Janitorial Cleaning Supply List 2022
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Retail Store Cleaning Checklist

Your customers want to see organization and cleanliness so keeping your retail store in a clean and pristine condition is absolutely essential to your success. It will give your staff confidence and your customers confidence in buying from you. Read on to learn the checkpoints you should use to make sure your retail store is in perfect condition!

Use this checklist on a daily basis:

  1. ❒ Collect store details. Record the details of the store you will be cleaning.
  2. ❒ Clean up clutter. Take care of clearing up any clutter on the shop floor. Pay special attention to emptying trash cans, shelf wobblers, tags, paper, and garbage.
  3. ❒ Sweep the entrance and exit as well as washing and dusting any planters. Remember you only get one chance to make a first impression and customers are less likely to buy if they walk into a store that is completely messy.
  4. ❒ Clean glass doors and windows. Customers want to see clearly into the store and should be able to see their reflections in the glass. Dirty marks everywhere discourage people from entering the store. Mix water in a bucket and use dishwashing liquid and scrub.
  5. ❒ Empty all trash cans to prevent overflowing.
  6. ❒ Clean the floor areas of any mess. The floors should also be vacuumed. Floors that are not carpeted must be mopped with soap and warm water. it should then be dried with a cloth.
  7. ❒ Wipe glass display units. Glass display units are very easy to keep tidy. SImply dust and wipe with a soft dry cloth. Use a little vinegar to remove stains on glass.
  8. ❒ You must have clean shelves in any retail store because customers do not want a layer of dust over the products they are considering purchasing, likewise for dirty finger marks. Ensure the shelves are free of dust, dirt, and marks. You can use clean sponges, cans of compressed air and vacuuming the area.
  9. ❒ Straighten up furniture. Give all the furniture in the store the once over. Make sure cushions and pillows are straight and look under all the seats for garbage and any misplaced personal items. The vacuum cleaner can be utilized, if needed, on furniture.
  10. ❒ Clean restroom mirrors. With a clean cloth, just apply warm water and then dry the mirror with another dry cloth. Add some soap if water doesn’t do the job to a high standard and then dry with a cloth.
  11. ❒ Scrub restroom fixtures. You can clean the sink by using soap and warm water then it can be dried down with a towel or cloth. Use a mop to wipe the floor with a bucket and mop filled with soapy hot water.
  12. ❒ Not a pleasant job but toilets must be cleaned at least on a weekly basis and if they are heavily used it is best to clean them on a daily basis. Spray the seat of the toilet with anti-bacterial sprays. Use rubber gloves at all times! Wipe the seat and the rim with a cloth and scrub the toilet bowl with a toilet brush.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Retail Cleaning in Phoenix and Surrounding Areas

To schedule your retail cleaning services, in Phoenix and Scottsdale, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are important your business – that’s why you need the professionals at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

Can Vinegar Clean Floors
Written by Desert Oasis Cleaners

Benefits of a Clean Workplace

If you are searching for the benefits of a clean workplace or office, this post should help! Keep reading to learn more.

As a business owner, how clean your office is probably not the first thing you think of on a day to day basis. Having a clean and healthy workspace is essential when it comes to running a successful business. A lot of business owners take only notice of such things when they get totally out of hand.

Despite that, leaving a good impression is associated with your role as an employer, too. In order to keep both clients and employees, you need to put in your best efforts forward to please both sides. This is particularly true when you’re welcoming a possible new employee. What they see in the beginning will form their opinion on their own in the company that they possibly may work for.

First Impressions Count

A tidy and clean workspace looks alluring and more importantly inviting to any potential customers. It shows confidence and creates trust from the very start and leaves potential customers with the impression that you’re capable of doing business and shows you have strong attention to detail. Unclean floors or conference room tables that have smudges, on the other hand, tell you’re possible customers that you lack the professionalism to take care of your employees, let alone new customers. This can be also said for an untidy reception area.

Elevate Your Brand

When the average customer thinks about your company, a tidy work environment suggests superior, high-quality products and services. It doesn’t matter what type of work you do, whether it’s designing a kitchen, doing someone’s taxes or selling bathroom sinks. A potential customer will certainly judge your entire brand grounded on how your office space looks and feels, and that will include any products and services you may offer. Don’t let an untidy workspace result in a possible customer walking away before you can even do business with them.

Happier Employees

Your employees may think of their workplace like a second home and as such, you need to put more attention on keeping it tidy and clean. By keeping your employees work environment maintained, you’re allowing them to be more productive, efficient, and most important, happy.

Your employees directly represent your business and more importantly your brand. In today’s world, a lot of companies are using their employees as a marketing tool. They talk about their work with their friends and families and promote products and services they’re working on using social media as a tool. If your employees are unhappy or not liking their workspace, they may not want to participate in any type of business-related promotions. Not to mention that their productivity will drop significantly when they’re trying to work in a messy workplace.

Keeping Your Workplace Clean and Tidy

Never ask your employees to clean. Think about hiring a cleaning company, which can clean each part of your workspace, if it’s cleaning the tile and carpets, scrubbing walls, windows, cleaning bathrooms, hallways and even the exterior of your building. This can be done once, of if you’re entirely satisfied with their services, you can hire them to clean a couple of times a month.

It is recommended by experts that you work on educating your employees on how important it is to maintain a clean and hygienic office space. A dirty work environment is a breeding ground for various bacteria and allergens, which only stresses the need to keep your office space clean.

Air Quality

Air quality also greatly influences the workspace performance, just as important as the health of your employees.

The number of pollutants indoors is a lot greater than it is outside, which makes investing in an appropriate filtration system all the more important and necessary. Another way to improve the air quality in your business is to purchase plants that can filter out excess CO2 and allergens from the air and give your employees additional levels of clean air and oxygen.

Desert Oasis Cleaners Offers Commercial Office Cleaning in Phoenix and Surrounding Areas

To schedule your office cleaning services, including medical office cleaning in Phoenix and Scottsdale, learn more about Desert Oasis’s commercial cleaning services, or to get a free office commercial cleaning service quote, use our contact form to submit a request or call Desert Oasis Cleaners today at 1-480-720-0907.

First impressions are important your business – that’s why you need the professionals at Desert Oasis Cleaners who never hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure your workplace looks it’s best!

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